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Author Topic: Epic Batlle problem  (Read 827 times)


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Epic Batlle problem
« on: September 28, 2006, 03:25:41 AM »
Any Roto Grip guys might want to respond

My Epic Battle, which had under 30 games, cracked
from the ring finger down about 4 inches, and is
now useless. Question, were there any cracking
issues. The ball was never plugged (single drill)
and was not abused. the problem is I have no
paper work on the ball. I can provide pictures.
Another question, are the balls warranted when finger
grips are installed ? There also was a crack between
the bridge of the fingers. Could this have spread to
below the fingers and down ? I have never had a ball
crack like this. I take care of my equipment, and
have never had this happen in my 8 years of drilling
my own equipment. Any suggestions, or I am I stuck.

Chicago's Bowlers Shop
Niles Il



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Re: Epic Batlle problem
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2006, 11:29:20 AM »
Call Roger at Rotogrip and they should be able to replace that ball for you.  With all the documentation you have you should be all set.  I have a Battle myself and have drilled a couple for my friend and we have no problems with any of our Rotogrip stuff and between me and him, we've drilled every RG ball that came out in the last year.  You can go to and get Roger's number from the contact page.  Very nice guy.  He is actually a regular on Ballreviews so he might respond to you.  Good luck

Moose Nugget

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Re: Epic Batlle problem
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2006, 12:35:36 PM »
I've seen 2 crack.  One I suspect was left in the car and split in two pieces.  The other cracked around the pin and continued through the grip.  That ball only had a dozen or so games on it an I know it was taken care of.  I have drilled up 20+ battles and these have been the only issues.  Great ball overall.  Still waiting on replacements to come in through our distributor.
Bandit Lanes Pro Shop
Ellsworth AFB South Dakota