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Author Topic: Epic Battle drilling help...Pics inside  (Read 1462 times)


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Epic Battle drilling help...Pics inside
« on: February 15, 2006, 11:08:43 PM »
I just recived my Epic Battle replacment from Roto-Grip (thanks Roger !) and I was wondering about what to do with the ball. Heres a pic:

As you can see the CG is way outta line. The ball does have semi-low top weight. I want do a Pin 4 1/4 to PAP(x), 3 1/2" above midline, MB 5 1/4 to PAP layout. P.A.P is 5 7/8 over and 1/2 up. Is this possible without a huge weight hole ?

The specs on the ball are :

15.5 lbs
2.34 top weight
1.5 - 2 inch pin

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Edited on 2/16/2006 8:06 AM



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Re: Epic Battle drilling help...Pics inside
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2006, 07:27:39 AM »
302, I'd call / email Roger.....I've never seen a ball like that ?!  He may not know about it either,...he doesn't "send" balls out, he just authorizes them.

Do you have the box, and if so, can you take a picture of the label and post it?!
"...nowhere is the dreamer, or the misfit so alone...."


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Re: Epic Battle drilling help...Pics inside
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2006, 07:46:14 AM »
Thanks for the reply Jeff. Heres a pic of the box:

I did Email Roger yseterday with a pic of the ball and he said that he never seen the ball before shipping. He also said that balls with strong cores sometimes do this. I asked him for advice to drill it and I sent him the specs & I'm still witing to here back from him.

I'm just looking for ideas to drill this, I'm NOT asking for a new one! I'm not complaining about the ball. I'm just thankful that Roger / Roto-Grip replaced my Epic !!!  Can't ask for better customer service that !
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Re: Epic Battle drilling help...Pics inside
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2006, 07:54:17 AM »
box shows a "normal" ball, for his respnonse, I'm sure it'll be ok.  Strong asymms can end up crazy like that, but I've just never seen a ball quite set up like that, that's all.....I'm sure it's fine
"...nowhere is the dreamer, or the misfit so alone...."

Mustang Guy

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Re: Epic Battle drilling help...Pics inside
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2006, 06:08:35 PM »
I did speak to Chad this afternoon.  RPS explained it perfectly.  When not sure about what size of hole will be required you can lay the ball out, then weight it.  

Not every ball lines up 6 3/4" from the Pin directly through the CG.  This is true with every manufacturer.  Some of the BATTLES will actually have the MB as close as 5 3/4" from the PAP.  This is because the Maximus II core is placed above the center of the ball, making it close to the pin.

Thank you.
Roger Noordhoek
Vice President
Sales / Marketing
Roto Grip, Inc.

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Roger Noordhoek
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