Ok ok, too many answers. But no questions from our users here. we need more info. is your ball speed higher, average, or slower? would you judge your rev rate lower, average or higher?
taking a ball's surface to a lower grit to smooth out it's reaction works, with or without a finishing compound. but products like track's clean n dull, storm's step 1, or brunswick rough buff which i have all of which in my shop, often i use clean and dull on finishes over 800 to increase the tackiness. oftne below 800 i will use brunswick rough buff instead. have your proshop operator take the ball down with a grey or white pad if he has first. if the ball is still too snapy then try a a light polishing with progrip's 320.
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shop
Roto-Grip Star Proshop
Staff Writer 7-10 Split Magazine,EGO Communications
Montreal, Quebec.