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Author Topic: epic battle or big one  (Read 2042 times)


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epic battle or big one
« on: May 23, 2006, 04:36:10 PM »
i am curious if anyone has bowled with these 2 and if u have any comparisons. I have never seen an epic battle used but i am seeing more and more big ones and scorchins not live up to the hype. mine was great for all of 6 games,big one that is.
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Re: epic battle or big one
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2006, 03:09:39 PM »
I've used both. I've rolled 200's with both. I like both. I think the Epic Battle can handle more oil then the Big One. I really don't consider The Big One a heavy oil ball, it's more of a medium-heavy for my game. Price is about the same. I've used both balls on track area shots down and in, and 15 out to between 7 and 5 and then back. I think the Epic Battle might, I said might, carry a little bit better. For flexibility the Epic Battle would be the way to go as it can be polished with excellent results, at least according to people on this site. However, I'm not going to say anything negative about the Big One. It's a great ball as well. And I haven't had "dying" problems with mine at all. But I've got less then 30 games on both the Epic Battle and The Big One.



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Re: epic battle or big one
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2006, 04:22:36 AM »
i was thinking about polishing mine,(big one) ,but then i would have another mid range ball and thats not what i wanted. besides after i get oil in the cover its just like having it polished and it really sucks then.
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Re: epic battle or big one
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2006, 06:05:40 AM »
Can't comment on the Epic but have used my Big One for three sets nothing lower than a 700. After throwing a couple games w/it in practice on dry backends realized I must not only keep and open mind w/it but pay attn. to the breakpoint and if the ball goes high move unless you're sure you threw a bad shot.I am a stroker maybe that is why it works for me, pin is above fingers w/the mass bias strong.


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Re: epic battle or big one
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2006, 01:59:41 AM »
Go do a poll in the Ebonite forum and see how many Big one's covers are dead. Then do the same over here for the battle. The Big one's are great out of the box, but it is hit or miss trying to replicate the same reaction after a few sets. The battle you can go from Dull to high gloss(although not reccomended) And it will still be a great ball. I am a little biased towards RG but I do give it up to other companies when they come out with a great release, but I don't think the Big one is one of them.

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Re: epic battle or big one
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2006, 09:53:37 PM »
i have an oracle also and i noticed this weekend my oracle has more continuation thru the oil than my big one. But its funny i thought my big one was stronger than my oracle so when the big one wouldnt move i didnt pick up the oracle and i wish i had of. My first game was 197 with the last 7 after i got lined up. next to games after carry down set in 116 and 112 playing the same line,after 1 game the ball stopped moving. I know nothing is gonna grip in a flood ,but that drastic a change thru me for a loop. Second set i moved in and played the track,but the big one had just been sanded with 400 grit paper,a scuff,not abralon spinner and it just died in the oil. I think i am gonna get the battle and polish my big one,it worked for my phenom unleashed.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling


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Re: epic battle or big one
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2006, 01:35:13 PM »
Again...I just don't think the Big One is a heavy oil ball. It's a medium heavy ball. For really heavy oil I would lean towards the Epic Battle - which is a great choice, the Storm Passion, Visionary AMD Particle, balls like that. The Oracle is another good choice. I'm not denigrating the Big One. I like that ball. It works for me, but not in really heavy oil. And all of the above is dependent upon how you throw, what your track is, what revs you have, etc.



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Re: epic battle or big one
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2006, 10:39:34 PM »
cnimsk i tend to agree with you on heavy oil the oracle is the better choice i was just to late in finding that out. shot avg. with the big one in a tough condition ,but i was so locked into thinking my big one was stronger than the oracle that when the big one started swimming i just thought that was the strongest thing in my bag . then as i was warming up on the practice lanes i picked up my oracle and it was actually a good three to four boards stronger with a stronger move on the back end thru the oil. who knows,if i had picked up the oracle earlier and developed a confidence in it i may have won the event. if the epic battle is stronger than the big one is it stronger than the oracle and is it worth having. I could always take my big one to 800 matte .

my style, the art of bowling without bowling