I think i have finally found out how and where to play the cell. Knowing that friction is key for recovery and no ball will hook in true heavy long oil I took my cell at 400 grit drilled 4x2 pin under bridge to practice on a shot i knew would be pretty dry.I know i am going to catch flack for this ,i need a coach ,learn how to bowl,forget about this ball its too good for me ,blah blah blah. Any way as i was saying,this house lays down a 39 foot xmas tree and they oil twice a day i think . the middle is wet and the dry boards outside 10 are where i needed to be. First game 225. Cell is coming out of the dry and ripping the rack nicely. If i kept in in the oil it wouldnt finish,if i got to fast it wouldnt finish. on a whole the ball worked fairly well on this shot .No burn up or over /under and very few 10 pins on a much drier shot than i would see even for regular league night. so for me the cell is what the pluto was supposed to be. I was also throwing a polished nvs and a phenom unleashed at 1000.They were both earlier and stronger off the break than the cell. I am a good 5 boards stronger with the nvs and probably 7 to 10 with the phenom unleashed. So for me the cell is the third game ball when the nvs is over hooking . no need to polish it or redrill it i got my dry lane ball so let the bashing begin ,but this is the best look i have had from my cell since i bought it . Most people say it needs oil ,i have seen just the opposite,maybe it will get stronger as it breaks in but for now if theres oil it stays in the bag.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling