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Author Topic: Epic Battle Vs. RoboRule  (Read 856 times)


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Epic Battle Vs. RoboRule
« on: March 01, 2006, 10:50:46 AM »
Consider a heavy oil ball, not right up there with the SCB and GP2, that is still somewhat versatile and moves pretty good. I've been looking at the RR and Battle and wanna see what others say as to how they would compare. I know they are from two different companies in similar arsenal spots so probably not a lot of people are gonna have both, but still looking for some comments. Feel free to comment on the MoRich Seek & Destroy if you feel like it, which is lurking in the consideration pool as well.

I'm gonna post the same thing in the Track forum.

Thanks in advance!



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Re: Epic Battle Vs. RoboRule
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2006, 08:09:05 PM »
No votes for the origianl polyester Roto-Grip?? That gets my vote. I still have my '72 model, never hits 70 on the durometer, never plugged, never cracked and still hooks a lot.