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Author Topic: epic battle/general bowling observation  (Read 801 times)


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epic battle/general bowling observation
« on: February 13, 2008, 09:57:26 AM »
i have had 2 battles and to date i have not really seen any real promise from it . I bought the 2nd after the first cracked and the second was only 70 bucks. anyway i doint use it much because i have such a problem with leaving corner pins. I bowled a tourney sunday and there was a guy using 1 with great success so i thought i would pick mine up again.
    So today i went to practice and took the battle and my odyssey along with my nvs just for comparison. The nvs and odyssey are both polished and the battle is dull at about 500. I know i shouldnt have even been able to keep the battle to the right,2 polished balls and a dull ball should warrant completely different results and i probably shouldnt have come away with any thing meaningful by using these three balls,however.
    I started out swinging the nvs so i could get a base line. The nvs came back nicely good recovery and carry same thing with the odyssey. But when i kept them in the oil 10 pin. No finish in the middle too much oil.So i pick up the battle and to my shagrin i also leave the 10 pin. I am thinking this is exactly why i stopped using it and i probably will put it back in the basement after today.So i decided to move right and try a up the back release. first shot the ball went brooklyn so i am right where i thought i would be ,over under,but i am still coming aroung the side a bit. So i muster all thats in me to stay behind the ball,(its just something i dont do well),and come straight thru the ball with the shot. Strike. And every shot i thru with the same execution resulted in the same result. the ball rolled so strong and heavy there was no way anything could stand. I shot 3 straight games over 220 and i have never shot that consistent with this ball. very predictable roll and result . No over under very few corner pins and i didnt have to soften my speed . I stayed in the pocket and there was very little doubt shot after shot that the ball was in the 1 3. I am a little miffed that i could play it with this grit on this shot,but i did see some promise from it and me that i hadnt seen before.I think the real point is this though ,when you have a strong ball less is more, you dont have to crank it or come around it .Just stay behind it and roll it. I know i probably sound like the kid who just learned how to ride a bike,but its news to me and it might help someone else. So yes the battle is a strong ball and a great carrying ball,but 9 times out of 10 its not the ball,and these days i am really learning that. I was striking with the odyssey and the nvs,but to strike so convincingly with a ball i hadnt been able to use much ,is a victory for me.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling