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Author Topic: Epic comes through again  (Read 996 times)


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Epic comes through again
« on: October 08, 2005, 09:59:35 AM »
I was bowling in the area's weekly King of the Hill tourney.  I started with an Absolute Inferno and had a decent reaction.  It quickly went away after the first game, and I became quite lost.  I was plus 2 after 2 games, and I knew I needed a big 3rd game to make the cut.  I had thrown the Epic in practice, but I just wasn't comfortable with the reaction I was getting.  I went back to it in the 3rd game, and moved 8 left with my feet and 4 with my eyes.  12 strikes later I had my first 300 in a couple years, and the first of many more to come with Roto equipment.  FWIW, I won my first match of match play with a 257, then lost my second one.  I should have bagged it, because they were just too dry.  It probably wouldn't matter because my opponent shot 258 (darn leftys).  If you don't have an Epic in your bag, you are doing yourself a disservice.  It's an outstanding ball.

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Re: Epic comes through again
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2005, 06:02:31 PM »
Nice shooting!
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sammy the sage

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Re: Epic comes through again
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2005, 06:47:40 PM »
talking about bagging it....on hindsight...what would you've thrown next?

oh...and what was the lefty throwing?

ps...have an epic myself...only got to use it once...too many 8/9 taking some side-weight out....too take-away some of that finish....good bowling....your video is why I got the ball...too bad I'm a @#$%%$#@ lefty....lmao

Edited on 10/8/2005 6:40 PM


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Re: Epic comes through again
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2005, 08:18:46 PM »
   On hindsight, I probably should have gone to my 5.0.  It pushes a bit farther down the lane, although I quite possibly would have struggled with too much backend then.  An even better idea would have been for me to move farther left and add more axis tilt to my release.  I honestly was intimidated in that second match, and that factored into the adjustments I didn't make.  The lefty was throwing a Swamp Monster.  That's a lot of ball, but he's much better than I am and he finds a way to always make it work.  

BTW, thanks for the compliment on the video.  I really hope that you will be happy with the ball.  

1. Don't be a dick
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