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Author Topic: Epic & Epic Battle  (Read 1502 times)

Monster Stitch

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Epic & Epic Battle
« on: May 17, 2006, 05:49:58 PM »
Is the Epic more angular than the Epic Battle?
To me it seems the EB revs up fast and has a strong arcing reaction.

Let me know your experience and impression of the balls.




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Re: Epic & Epic Battle
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2006, 02:44:14 AM »
Layouts and conditions are everything when comparing ball to ball. What type of condition are you looking to go after and what kind of look are you trying to achieve on that pattern? Generally speaking, the Original Epic is more angular than the Battle, due to its reactive cover vs. particle cover. However, there will be some conditions where the Battle will seem more angular than the original Epic due to length and or volume of oil.
Mat Henning
Roto-Grip Staffer
Owner/Operator of
Champions Bowling Services

Monster Stitch

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Re: Epic & Epic Battle
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2006, 11:32:45 AM »

Condition 1 is a THS. Heavy 8 to 8 and dry 7 to the gutter. Speed and Rev rate is a main factor when using the EB. Would polishing the EB be better then OOB finish?

Condition 2 would be a tournament shot. A 45 foot pattern 1 to 1 with carry down.

My EB is drilled pin over ring finger and MB 2 inches right of thumb. I put the weight hole 2 inches under my PAP.


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Re: Epic & Epic Battle
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2006, 11:53:56 AM »
Polishing your Battle would make it more angular (than OOB) on the THS, but would obviously diminish the total hook on the tournament pattern. I polished a couple of my Battles at one point, but preferred them at their OOB surface. When I had them polished and tried to use them on THS or shorter tournament patterns, it always seemed like there was something else in my bag that would match up to that pattern better (Horizon, SSSE, or RS-1).

If I had to compare an Epic to an Epic Battle on a THS with similar layouts, I would say that the Original Epic would be approximately 4-6' longer and 4-6 boards weaker than the Battle.

On a 1:1 45' pattern, I would guess that you wouldn't see that much of a difference in overall hook potential (since nothing would be hooking a whole lot to begin with), but would see a tremendous difference on when each ball would pick up its roll. Again, the Battle would be about 4-6' earlier in the midlane. Ball choice would rely on who (and what balls they are using) is on your pair, who you are following (and again, what balls they are using), all of those peoples lane play, and what lane surface you are bowling on. Sometimes more/earlier hook is not necessarily better.

Mat Henning
Roto-Grip Staffer
Owner/Operator of
Champions Bowling Services

Big Jake

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Re: Epic & Epic Battle
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2006, 10:03:25 PM »
Hello All
 I have been lurking here for quite some time now as I have been reading a lot of great things about the "Epic/Epic Battle" balls.

 Anyhow, I am very interested about getting one of these for my arsenal my scorchin-inferno has lost a lot of its original power and snap, and I have been taking pretty good care of it to (before you ask)

 A couple of weeks ago after giving the SI its hot-H2o bath it performed great on a lane that had some oil in the middle so I thought it was good to go but after finding out that it still kinda dies on a shot where there is a lot of oil in the middle

and also going to Vegas this past weekend with high hopes and it not being able to handle the oily conditions (my friends old Bully was doing great) I have decided to look into another oil ball.

But I am here asking you who use these balls if they die out after a few months or so as I bowl a lot. Also, I always perform a maintenance routine on all of my high-performance balls whether they need it or not.

Thanks for your assistance and sorry for the long post!


Now throwing pretty much all flavors...

Big Jake

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Re: Epic & Epic Battle
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2006, 06:15:02 PM »

Coverstock Maintenance

I. Cleaning:
      A. Reactive: All reactive coverstocks should be cleaned on a regular                                              basis (every 6-10 games).

                 1. Suggested Cleaner: Storm's "Reacta Clean"

      B. Particle: All Particle coverstocks should be cleaned on a regular
                        basis (every 3-6 games).

                 1. Suggested Cleaner: Storm's "Mega Bite Cleaner"

Thanks RotoDave,
so the above text is taken from theRoto-Grip website
so all one has to do is basically after every bowling session is clean the ball with Storm's "Reacta Clean" or something similar and the ball will not loose its this statement pretty accurate?

I'm just looking for a high-performance ball that wont quit on me. I know that it wont probably be like a new ball but if its anything like it then I will get one
Now throwing pretty much all flavors...


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Re: Epic & Epic Battle
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2006, 06:20:34 PM »
I've got about 60 games each on my Epic Battle and Epic and I've not yet noticed any drop off in performance. I clean my bowling balls after every session, using Track's Clean N Dull. And, last week I took them to my favorite pro shop for "de-oiling" and a little surface maintenance. They're still working great. That's all I can say. They'd be better if I could hit my mark more often, or could pick up a ten pin better!
