I just got the thumb redone on my second Saga and I was looking at using it tonight in league. When I was throwing it before, the ball really didn't read the mids all that much it just kinda skidded, made a sudden 10 board move at 40-42 ft, then rolled out.
This was with the cover hit with a grey pad on the spinner. Left a nice sheen finish on it. Any ideas ?
I'm looking for more roll though the pin deck indstead of that quick move and roll...
No ideas with polish on this ball please, with my revs and axis rotation, I don't need any more angle, lol

The ball is laid out pin above ring, MB about 1 inch right of thumb. Small X hole about 4 inches over (inside PAP). My specs are in my profile...
Thanks guys !
Roto-Grip & Lane #1
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"Robo-Arm bowlers SUCK...