With my arsenal always at 6 balls, I like to choose which I think are the best 5 (one spot for spare ball). So I decided to put my Soul in reserve, because it just wasn't getting the job done for me. That was ok,everything else was working. So it sat in my basement for a couple of weeks. Then I had a vision. I had the cover on the Soul pollished up. I took a scoth brite pad and took the pollish off and scuffed it, not alot but enough to get rid of the shine. Since this correct adjustment its been money for me, and the first ball out of my bag. Not to mention I won a few bucks in high games as well since the adjustment. Heck it seems like I just got a new ball again.--- Now I know about cover adjustments, but sometimes I depened to much on other balls to fill the need. Well, lesson be learned, and luckly this time I am reaping my correct guess! You may also have a diamond in the ruff, or it's in your basement as well!