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Author Topic: Illusion...I'm thinking about does it compare to the Mystic and the Odyssey?  (Read 785 times)


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I'm thinking of getting a new bowling ball. I'm really looking at the Illusion. I'm not sure about the Cell. I don't bowl on really heavy conditions. I bowl in Albuquerque, Holiday bowl, two leagues. Currently the bowling balls I'm using the most are the Odyssey, Mystic and Epic Saga and I'm having success with them. How does the Illusion compare to the Mystic and the Saga? Or for that matter to the Odyssey? The Saga I took the sheen off to give it a little more movement. The Odyssey and Mystic are still in OOB surface. I clean my bowling balls with either Ebonite cleaner or Track Clean n' dull after every session.




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  • Roto Grip-Own It and Bowl up a Storm
I currently have the Cell, Illusion, Mystic, Saga and Odyssey. If you like the Saga you will love the Illusion. Same can be said for the Cell vs the Odyssey. I drilled up 2 Cells and since then my Illusion has not seen much lane time recently. My 2nd Cell is drilled 5 x 3 with pin over fingers. This is a great layout on this ball... Hope this helps.
Todd Loy
Roto Grip King of Them All!!!!