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Author Topic: First night using the Epic Saga  (Read 3957 times)


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First night using the Epic Saga
« on: July 27, 2006, 03:56:06 PM »
I decided I would try out my new Epic Saga (14 lbs, 5oz before drilling) tonight in  summer league. The lanes weren't really suitable for that ball. They were on the light to medium side. Never the less I was stubborn. I only managed a couple of practice shots before starting because the thumb hole needed some work. I started off with leaving three and promptly missing the spare. The ball had more power and hook then I anticipated. Next shot was a strike. Then I left a six/ten and promptly chopped the ten pin. I followed that with an other strike and then threw a split, right on the head pin. I drilled the next shot in the pocket and left a ten pin that I missed by a whisker (I need someone to make a chia ball!). I then threw another decent ball but ended up with yet another split. So...after six frames I had two strikes and four opens. I managed to leave a seven pin on the next shot and made that. But it was clear that the Epic Saga was just too strong for the lane conditions of the night. So I switched to the Horizon and from there on I managed to bowl better the rest of the night. I bowled a 142 the first game, a 236 the second, and a 197 the third for a 575 series. Not great, not bad. Should have switched bowling balls earlier. Now..what did I learn. First of all, the Epic Saga is a powerful, aggressive bowling ball. Despite the apparent similarities in stats with the Horizon, it is a much more aggressive ball. Now...I have a relatively slow ball speed so that tends to heighten the aggressiveness of a bowling ball. I do know that with the Epic Saga I was using a 32 over 17 shot and with the Horizon I switched to a 22 over 10. Secondly, the Saga hits hard and carries well. Thirdly, it is a very "pretty" bowling ball. It is a medium to medium/heavy ball for someone with a relatively slow speed.  It will certainly be a medium for people with faster ball speed. It has a strong arc. All in all, despite my poor performance tonight, I was impressed with the Saga. I was also impressed with the Horizon. Truthfully I thought it would be too dry for the Horizon but it worked just beautifully. Learned something there tonight. Now I want to go out and practice on a bit more oil and get the hang of the Epic Saga. It's a good ball. Don't let my poor score deceive you. It was just too dry for a slower ball speed bowler to use that ball tonight.



Rotoman Dan

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Re: First night using the Epic Saga
« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2006, 11:13:00 PM »
Now to get to the point .. although I use them while playing a similar part of the lane, the Saga does push marginally further, with a harder arc off the backend. (And more angular if i bounce it off the gutter.)

This seems to be at odds with what other peoples findings are .. am I the only one?

Dave, I found the same results to be true in that the Saga did seem to push farther than the Horizon.  I kind of like that though since it gives me two different looks to work with and I love both of these balls.  I used the Saga tonight on a 41' sport pattern for a couple games and shot 217, 267 with it - I can't wait to try it on a THS.


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Re: First night using the Epic Saga
« Reply #17 on: August 21, 2006, 03:40:25 AM »
Proof of the Saga in competition:

This past weekend at the PBA East regional in Rome, NY: Brian Le Clair fired off a 299 with this thing in game 6 of qualifying.  He was swinging it through the oil on Regional Pattern 3, and it was coming back HARD.  Watching this is making me drool, since I'll be getting mine Wednesday, and getting it drilled Thursday.  I kinda wish I'd had it for this weekend...would've helped me out a bit.
Lightning strikes at the oddest times...

My high game?  Two 300's...within two weeks of each other.

"For the money, for the glory, for the fun.  Mostly for the money."
-Smokey and the Bandit


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Re: First night using the Epic Saga
« Reply #18 on: August 23, 2006, 11:39:11 PM »
First night out of the box, and all I can say is wow.  Started out slow going 233 then kinda turned it on.  Ten flag the start of the second the sheet to the 11th 8 count for 267, last game from 7 and shank the hell out of it 3-6-10 sheet for 277 and 777.  Then the last game rip two tens and a nine for 248 and 1025.  This ball is a monster, does not EVER stop in the back.  I'll post pics tomorrow in my profile of this beast and my new Venus which had no reason to be touched tonight.  

*As an interesting side I just talked to my dad and he shot 299 with his Saga tonight, this ball is a winner!
Be a good Irish boys

Hi, my name is Brian and I'm a recovering Brunswick user.  Thanks Rotogrip!

-"That Kangaroo stole my ball"

-"It's like a tire fire, trying to put it out only makes it worse.  You've just gotta let it burn... grab a beer and let it burn.'

Edited on 8/24/2006 0:25 AM