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Author Topic: First Night With My Cell and Thoughts About Poor Carry  (Read 1205 times)


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First Night With My Cell and Thoughts About Poor Carry
« on: February 20, 2008, 03:22:54 PM »
Tonight was my first full league night with my Cell and here are my thoughts about the ball and also some thoughts about those who have had a problem with the carry of this ball.

For my style, a stroker playing the second arrow and not standing left of the center line I found that this ball likes a nice tight line and will give you  a in creditable amount of carry. Swing it a bit wide and it will leave the 10 pin pretty much all the time and more so then some other ball I had when I missed right.

I had more flat out ripped decks then any other ball in a long time with this ball tonight. I did sneak in a few light hits in, but most were nothing but a thing of beauty from this ball. The continuation of this ball was spectacular to say the least. I had so much fun with it tonight that I could not take it out of play in the third game, when I know I should have. 243, 240 and a 216 for a 693 OOB. I had my chance in the the 11th of the third game for the 700 but it over hooked on me. (side note, I have only had 4, 700 series in my life and 2 were this earlier year)

I will post a pic later of my drilling but it is pretty much a 4.5 x 4 (pin, MB) drilling with no weight hole. Pin right above my ring finger with no surface change. Not sure of my pin buffer, sorry.

Great Job Roto Grip




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Re: First Night With My Cell and Thoughts About Poor Carry
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2008, 04:57:46 PM »
I had the issue of the ball really getting up and going when the oil broke down. But I love this ball so much I went out and got another one Pro-CG. The CG is 2 1/2 left of the center line. Pin out 4.5. I drilled it up pin one center line 3 inches up. That gets through any heads but keeps its strong back end arc. I have only had that Cell around a week but I am already starting to preffer the new one.
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Re: First Night With My Cell and Thoughts About Poor Carry
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2008, 05:31:54 PM »
Tonight was my first full league night with my Cell ...

For my style, a stroker playing the second arrow and not standing left of the center line I found that this ball likes a nice tight line and will give you  a in creditable amount of carry. Swing it a bit wide and it will leave the 10 pin pretty much all the time and more so then some other ball I had when I missed right.

You're making a mistake many people do; so don't feel bad. You absolutely CANNOT generalize from one bowler & his release, one drilling and one lane surface + oil pattern to the general behavior of that ball for everyone.

A friend's carry percentage with his Cell jumps significantly when he starts the swing this ball on several oil patterns. My carry is very good with a medium to medium-large hook on several oil patterns with my Cell drilled differently from my friend's drilling.


I had more flat out ripped decks then any other ball in a long time with this ball tonight. I did sneak in a few light hits in, but most were nothing but a thing of beauty from this ball. The continuation of this ball was spectacular to say the least. I had so much fun with it tonight that I could not take it out of play in the third game, when I know I should have. 243, 240 and a 216 for a 693 OOB. I had my chance in the the 11th of the third game for the 700 but it over hooked on me. (side note, I have only had 4, 700 series in my life and 2 were this earlier year)

Glad you had so much fun and GREAT scoring with this ball. I have found it to be a very good ball, much better than average and with more forgiveness than average.

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Re: First Night With My Cell and Thoughts About Poor Carry
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2008, 05:32:44 PM »
Roto really needs to release a Pearl version of this ball, the Solid does tend to over do it when the Oil thins out up front!
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Try 4000 grit, Dr. Mine flew thru the heads and midlane with that surface. I was very surprised.
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Edited on 2/25/2008 6:40 PM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: First Night With My Cell and Thoughts About Poor Carry
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2008, 07:19:55 PM »
once my cell starts to run I  just which over to my mystic and bam