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Author Topic: First Time w/ Roto Grip - What should I drill up?  (Read 2664 times)


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First Time w/ Roto Grip - What should I drill up?
« on: April 07, 2007, 06:16:30 AM »
Hey folks,

I have heard you Roto Grip'ers are one of the nicest people when coming for suggestions, well, I think I am going to need some of it. I am really looking in to drilling up something Roto Grip. I am interested in the Epic Saga, because it has a higher hook rating, good off of break point, and is pretty versatile. Now my question is, is there anything better than this ball I can drill up? Here is my arsenal as of right now:

Storm Special Agent - Heavy
Brunswick Vapor Zone - Heavy to Medium
Hammer No Mercy - Medium
Ebonite Whirl Wind - Medium to Light
Brunswick Viz-A-Ball Spare

Now, I am fairly into very strong cores with very strong coverstocks. I am a high rev player, with 400+ RPM's, with some speed at 18-20 MPH. I am a Right Hander and can basically play any line I need to have.

I am looking for something I can crank, something that once it hits its break point, the ball just flat out moves. Is the Epic Saga the ball to go with by my specifications on what I want the ball to do?

Thanks folks, I really appriciate it.
"Ey, Yo Crank! What ball was that?"
Hammer No Mercy Storm Special Agent
Ebonite WhirlWind Brunswick Spare
It's all about those Benjamins, Baby!
- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
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Re: First Time w/ Roto Grip - What should I drill up?
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2007, 02:22:13 PM »
Is there a certain place in your arsenal you want the ball to fit, replacing something you have already, or just looking to try something out?  

"On-base percentage is great if you can score runs and do something with that on-base percentage.  Clogging up the bases isn't that great to me. The problem we have to address more than anything is the home run problem."
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Re: First Time w/ Roto Grip - What should I drill up?
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2007, 02:36:45 PM »
So far ALL my Roto customers are saying that the Oddyssey is out performing their SD 73's!!!!! When it makes its move LOOK OUT!!


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Re: First Time w/ Roto Grip - What should I drill up?
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2007, 02:39:51 PM »
Well if he's looking for super strong, the Odyssey is the ball.  I picked one up last week and that ball moves harder off the spot than anything I've ever seen.  

"On-base percentage is great if you can score runs and do something with that on-base percentage.  Clogging up the bases isn't that great to me. The problem we have to address more than anything is the home run problem."
~Dusty Baker being a total fool
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Re: First Time w/ Roto Grip - What should I drill up?
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2007, 02:46:49 PM »
You May consider the Odyssey the solid cover should give you a better match up with your speed and revs don't let the sanded cover fool you the ball loves to go left off the spot and the cover is very versatile and responds to surface changes very well.


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Re: First Time w/ Roto Grip - What should I drill up?
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2007, 03:03:12 PM »
Odyssey is my new favorite ball. Mine is drilled pin-under ring, MB at approx. 30* right. For me(high speed, medium revs), this starts reading the pattern early and continues revving through the mid-lane with no drop-off. Once it hits the dry, it is very powerful off the spot. I usually start out playing down-and-in between the 7-10 board, and when I dry up this line after a couple games, I can move five boards left, back 5" - 6" on the approach, lower my ball speed slightly, and play a nice little swing over the same breakpoint. Ball is in box finish of 2000 abralon, and outperforms my Ultimate Inferno drilled the same way(1000 abralon) by 2-3 boards, THS patterns. You do have to stay firm with your release and speed to keep this ball under control. This is a PERFECT ball/drilling for my game, and if I can eliminate/minimize the mental mistakes, I see great scores in my future! I also have the Saga, drilled pin-above bridge 1", MB kicked right about 35*-40*, which I would use should I find any drier/burnt conditions. What a GREAT 1-2 punch!

Edited on 4/7/2007 3:27 PM


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Re: First Time w/ Roto Grip - What should I drill up?
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2007, 03:13:49 PM »
Odyssey is a great bowling ball. At OOB finish (about 1000, not 2000 as it says on the site) it's a good oiler. I think it would be more powerful than the Special Agent. At 2000 abralon it's a great medium/heavy bowling ball. Just depends upon what you want. The Epic Saga actually would fit nicely in your lineup with OOB finish, just beneath the No Mercy and definately much stronger than the Whirlwind. I found the No Mercy to be more of a medium/heavy than a medium. And it (the Epic Saga) is versatile. I've taken a bit of the polish off of mine and it works great as an inside line ball on medium lane conditions. Another to consider is the Mystic. It too would fit just beneath the No Mercy as far as oil is concerned, I think. I haven't used mine as of yet...just got it yesterday....and I'm not sure how strong the Mystic is actually going to be. Overall, if you try a Roto Grip, you'll be sold on them. For the money you can't beat them at all.

Chuck :-)

Edited on 4/7/2007 3:13 PM


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Re: First Time w/ Roto Grip - What should I drill up?
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2007, 03:24:08 PM »
(quote) At OOB finish (about 1000, not 2000 as it says on the site) (end quote)
Is this accurate? I have other balls at 1000 abralon, and the Odyssey makes such a STRONG move off the spot(almost angular) that I assumed it reacted this way because of it being at 2000 abralon(smoother). I have found that my other stuff at 1000 kind of tames down a violent move off the break.


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Re: First Time w/ Roto Grip - What should I drill up?
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2007, 03:43:29 PM »
Any opinions on the Horizon Solid?  I'm not trying to fill any gaps, I just want to try RG, and this one really catches my eye.  Looks like it could be a good benchmark ball.  I'm thinking of a 4 x 4 layout.  Here are my specs:

PAP:  4-1/4" ---> +3/4"
Speed:  17 mph (estimated)
Revs:  325-350 (estimated)

Any thoughts, suggestions, or ideas?
Hook 'em Horns!


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Re: First Time w/ Roto Grip - What should I drill up?
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2007, 10:19:17 PM »
I'd have to throw in the Mystic.  Simply because you said the word "versatile".  In OOB finish, the Mystic if really sharp off the break, especially if you go with a longer pin to PAP distance.  It can turn the corner with the best.

Now another ball that's even stronger but I'm not sure how much use you'll get out of it with your high rev count is the Odyssey.  I drilled up one with the "Mato" layout and this layout/ball has a unique look.  It's a strong flip then a forward roll.  I'm still learning it and will need to tune the surface.  OOB was way too early and polished is too sharp.  Will be trying 4000 next but I like how hard it comes off the spot.
Anthony Chapman

Roto Staff 2007
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Re: First Time w/ Roto Grip - What should I drill up?
« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2007, 11:05:04 PM »
I am recommending the Odyssey AND the Saga. The Odyssey could easily replace both the No Mercy and the Vapor Zone, with more versatility than either ball, while the Saga could do the same with the right drilling and coverstock tweaks. In my opinion, get the Odyssey as a "first-ball-out-of-the-bag" and put your favorite layout on it, then drill the Saga(weaker/longer) to come into play if the track becomes unplayable for the Odyssey. This should also fill the slot that you currently have the WhirlWind for. I am not knocking the equipment you already have, but I have already moved both the Saga and Ultimate Inferno down a notch, and the Total NV hasn't seen ANY use since the Odyssey arrived. You could realistically replace your four-ball strike line-up with just the Odyssey and Saga.... they are THAT good, and versatile. I have used a LOT of different balls/companies over the years, but I doubt that anybody can get these Rotos out of my bag!!


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Re: First Time w/ Roto Grip - What should I drill up?
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2007, 11:58:14 AM »
To answer your question...about the 1000, or 2000 issue. All I know is this...side by side, sitting on a rack next to a Storm Double Agent which is advertised as 1000 abralon, the two looked exactly the same. I've had excellent bowlers agree with me...even saying that it looked like closer to 800 abralon than 1000, OOB. Maybe things are different in New Mexico. Maybe there is a different scale used in Utah. I don't know. I do know that the ball is super agressive at "1000 OOB", if you have the oil to use it. If not, taking it to 2000 abralon makes it a bowling ball you can use all three games, using an inside line, on a THS pattern. You have nothing to fear about this ball losing energy or hitting power. It's great. I correct about my contention of 1000 vs. 2000? I think I am, and it really doesn't matter. The ball is great either way, just more opportunity to use it my way.



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Re: First Time w/ Roto Grip - What should I drill up?
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2007, 04:27:58 PM »
I look at this different than you guys, what about a Neptune, if you have a ton of hand and it looks like your lower end No Mercy-WhirlWind, you need help there, the Neptune is an overall lighter condition ball that i've seen hit like a beast.

I would go with the Neptune, if your looking to replace anything than yes, the Odyessey and Saga are phenominal.
Just another aspiring junior bowler who hasn't hit full stride yet.

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Re: First Time w/ Roto Grip - What should I drill up?
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2007, 06:55:05 PM »
I have had a good experiance with the Saturn. Very predictable with a good read thru the midlane.
Not jumpy at all.
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Re: First Time w/ Roto Grip - What should I drill up?
« Reply #14 on: April 08, 2007, 07:14:20 PM »
Oh yeah, I have a ton of hand and get under the ball as Tommy Jones does. I do not need a strong layout to make the ball hook for me.

Alot are saying the Oddyssey, so I may have to go with one of these! I was just interested in the Saga as I have seen it in play and looks to be very agressive.

To comment on the lower end at the Whirl Wind, the ball is amazing. For light, the ball is amazing. Drilled RICO, I get alot of turn out of the ball and is very predictable. I hardly ever encounter lighter conditions, when I do, I just change up accordingly, and play different lines.

And yes, to the someone that said something for under the No Mercy, that is what I was looking for in the SAGA, but I am hopefully going with the Oddyssey because it is highly recommended here.

Thanks folks!
"Ey, Yo Crank! What ball was that?"
Hammer No Mercy Storm Special Agent
Ebonite WhirlWind Brunswick Spare
It's all about those Benjamins, Baby!
- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
      "Now that's MONEYYY!"