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Author Topic: Rebuilding My Arsenal  (Read 3675 times)


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Rebuilding My Arsenal
« on: July 23, 2013, 03:32:43 PM »
I am looking on rebuilding my rotogrip arsenal for the upcoming fall leagues and needed some advice. I am looking on getting 3 bowling ball from rotogrip. I am keeping my defiant (pin on my ring finger) and my critical theory (pin right above my ring finger). I am a stroker with a medium ball speed (16mph) and Low to medium rev rate (285-300). I was thinking of a defiant soul, totally defiant and a wrecker but, would like some nice replies with some options.




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Re: Rebuilding My Arsenal
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2013, 04:55:16 PM »
I believe you have the HP4 line covered well with adding just the Totally Defiant. That would be 3 balls in the hp 4 line, with that said I would look at getting a Deranged instead of the Soul, just so you have that step down ( hp 3 line) when needed. The Wrecker I believe will be a good piece as well, unless you can find a Rising Star, then I would vote for that ball, and it is stronger than you might think, it's not for light oil,IMO. I also might suggest a entry line ball if you need for dryer conditions.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2013, 09:53:43 AM by Metal_rules »
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Re: Rebuilding My Arsenal
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2013, 11:42:06 PM »
The two new Rotogrip balls I am looking forward to are the Derranged and the Rumble......
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Re: Rebuilding My Arsenal
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2013, 11:55:24 PM »
I think you have the upper end covered really well with the Defiant and Critical Theory.  Don't change anything with those.

I would definitely look to get 1 mid and 1 entry level ball.  Based on your stats, I could see you going with a Disturbed or Deranged as your mid level ball.  Both have great core/cover matches and would give you versatility on your medium patterns.  It would just depend if you want something that is going to go longer and be stronger in back (Deranged) or if you want more of an even arcing piece that reads slightly earlier (Disturbed).

On the entry side, definitely go with the Wrecker.  That ball is an excellent choice for your medium-light patterns.   One of my teammates used the Wrecker in the second half of the season once we saw lighter volumes, and that ball proved itself very quickly as a must have. 

If you can find a Rising Star as Metal_rules mentioned, get it over the Wrecker.  That ball was tough to beat.  Only reason I don't have mine anymore is because I jumped up from 15 to 16lbs and ended up with a Frantic instead.  I loved wheeling the Rising Star on light volume patterns, and that ball had more than enough recovery.
Current Ball Arsenal
MOTIV Jackal Legacy
MOTIV Mythic Jackal

MOTIV Trident Odyssey
MOTIV Forge Fire
MOTIV Covert Revolt

MOTIV Sigma Sting
MOTIV Pride Solid

MOTIV Venom Shock
MOTIV Tribal Fire


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Re: Rebuilding My Arsenal
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2013, 11:21:20 AM »
I think I have a couple of more questions before I am ready to make my decision.
Entry Level:
I think the wrecker is going to be a good choice, but a question on how to drill it. Maybe a bad choice, but i had a rising star, but the ball just did not match up well for me. I don't know if it was the drilling or the house where i bowl. I had it drilled under and between both my fingers with the cg kick out about an inch, but the ball never finished for me. I don't like making excuses cause I am the bowler, but i don't want the same thing to happen with the wrecker.

Upper Level and Mid Level:
The defiant and the critical theory are two amazing balls, that why i want to make a good decision on the next two balls i buy. To be honest I have never had a mid-level ball from rotogrip. I either had upper or entry level ball since i started with rotogrip about five years ago. I still don't know about the derange and totally defiant cause i have not seen enough videos to convince me. The derange is like the bandit and totally defiant is like the mutant cell peral correct. The disturbed sounds like the choice, but i guess defiant soul is out. The defiant soul is like the rogue cell correct and i had 2 300 games with my rogue cell. That why it hard to keep the defiant soul out.

Thanks guys          Roto Rules


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Re: Rebuilding My Arsenal
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2013, 01:55:23 PM »
I am really surprised to hear that your Rising Star did not work for you. This has been my go to ball for a while. I am sure that you are aware sometimes you may need to adjust the cover to get the reaction that you are looking for, I did. The Disturbed is just flat out outstanding, it has a nice smooth roll with a strong continuous arch, hits hard. If you are looking at another solid,this is the ball for you. I had a Defiant, and I didn't like it until I changed the cover. But I prefer the Disturbed over the Defiant, so I sold my Defiant. I also understand the new releases are hard to make a choice without seeing what they do. If you are not sure, then wait for just a bit until you can see them in person or until there are more videos, but the bowlers in the videos never throw the ball exactly like I do, so they are not as accurate as I would like. As for Rotos mid level balls, they are second to none. I  have had most of my honor scores with mid level balls, the most recent with my Rising Star and Disturbed. The most important factor is obviously getting the correct layout and surface, and using the right ball that matches up with that pattern, with your style. I have the utmost confidence of the person I see for my layouts and ball suggestions, and that is my suggestion, to discuss it with your pro shop if you are unsure on what to get. Don't be in a rush, take your time and do your research, then you will be confident in your selections. As for the Soul, I don't currently have one, but from what I have seen, its a great ball. So if you really want it, get one - but check out all of your options first, you might fill a need with another ball. Either way you cant go wrong with any ROTO GRIP ball.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2013, 04:43:11 PM by Metal_rules »
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Re: Rebuilding My Arsenal
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2013, 07:14:20 PM »
If your defiant has life on it, you probably don't need the Defiant Soul, i know a couple people with both, they are nearly identical.  Derranged looks good, a buddy of mine got great life out of the Edge, he's about a 525+ rev rate, and burns up equipment.  He got roughly 200 games of great use out of the edge before it really started to not react well for him anymore.  Edge & Totally look to be really close, so either one there
Wise bowler told me once: K.I.S.S.   Keep it simple stupid.

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Totally Defiant
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Re: Rebuilding My Arsenal
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2013, 11:37:21 AM »
Thank guys for all the responses. I will be patient in making my choices, i still have a month before our fall leagues start. I think i have narrowed my choices to either the disturbed and the deranged, more than likely a totally defiant, and the wrecker. Got some good news i think i might get my rising star back from by uncle, he likes storm better. The good we have the same spec when in comes to drill so no changes have to be made. Just curious in what i should do to the cover to match up well for me.



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Re: Rebuilding My Arsenal
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2013, 04:25:39 PM »

I have similar stats to you. I also have the Defiant, Critical and I have 2 Defiant Souls. My favorite is my pin under Soul. My original Defiant still handles more oil for me than the Soul. I don't think you could go wrong with the Soul if drilled to compliment the other 2. Now, that being said I have shot my highest game/series with RG mid line equipment. I think the Disturber or Deranged would also be an excellent piece. I have my eye on a Disturbed myself. Good Luck...


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Re: Rebuilding My Arsenal
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2013, 09:12:18 AM »

Thanks for that information about the defiant soul. I think that ball is an exceptional pieces of equipment that would give alot of success. I am still thinking of getting both the disturber and the deranged, cause many reviews say they compliment each other very well. What do u think about the Totally defiant and how do entry balls work for you, like the wrecker and the rising star.



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Re: Rebuilding My Arsenal
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2013, 05:59:23 PM »

The only entry ball with a similar core I currently have is the Dark Star. This is a deceptionally strong ball for a dry lane piece(due to the Vision Cover, I think). I think Totally Defiant would be an excellent ball as well. I have the Edge which is what I think the Total is replacing. If you can find a Rising Star this will be strong also. Hope this helps.