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Author Topic: Going to have to retire my Epic:(  (Read 965 times)


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Going to have to retire my Epic:(
« on: January 18, 2007, 10:04:14 PM »
I threw it some the other night, and the fingers are cracking out again.  This is the 3rd time this season.  I'm sick of paying to have it plugged and redrilled.  I had another one that I got from a user here, but I noticed that it has a massive crack in it, so it's done too.  My original is the best ball I've ever used.  I will probably buy a new one and keep it around while I experiment with some other stuff.

"On-base percentage is great if you can score runs and do something with that on-base percentage.  Clogging up the bases isn't that great to me. The problem we have to address more than anything is the home run problem."
~Dusty Baker being a total fool
1. Don't be a dick
2. Try not to hurt others



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Re: Going to have to retire my Epic:(
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2007, 08:32:14 AM »
Just in time for an Odyssey
Be a good Irish boys

Hi, my name is Brian and I'm a recovering Brunswick user.  Thanks Rotogrip!

-"That Kangaroo stole my ball"

-"It's like a tire fire, trying to put it out only makes it worse.  You've just gotta let it burn... grab a beer and let it burn.'


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Re: Going to have to retire my Epic:(
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2007, 12:12:24 AM »
my epic cracked around the ring finger and i have been waiting over a month for them to decide if they are going to honor the warranty. the season will be over before they decide. I really liked mine too ,but i am not expecting much ,after ,if i get a new one ,if its not set up the same ,who knows.

my style, the art of bowling without bowling