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Author Topic: Have mutant cell how does it compare to the defiant.  (Read 1540 times)


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Have mutant cell how does it compare to the defiant.
« on: January 14, 2012, 01:10:41 PM »
I have the mutant cell can anyone give me an estimate or exact of how many more or less boards the defiant hooks when they are both at out of box surface.
Thinking of adding one to my bag


Dan Belcher

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Re: Have mutant cell how does it compare to the defiant.
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2012, 09:18:26 PM »
The Defiant is three or four boards stronger for me, but the biggest difference is the reaction shape. The Defiant has much more midlane roll and a more continuous motion. The Mutant Cell waits longer to pick up in the midlane and has a more hook-stop kind of motion. Also the Defiant seems to give me a lot more forgiveness than the Mutant Cell -- it still has a chance to carry the 10 pin if I get my hand around it a little early or something, where the Mutant Cell would hit flat in that situation.


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Re: Have mutant cell how does it compare to the defiant.
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2012, 12:17:02 PM »
I did have a m/c, comparing to my Defiant, i will agree with Dan, the Defiant does pick up sooner, and rolls continuous, and is very strong. the m/c imo was more lane specific than the Defiant is. i did like the hit that the mutant gave me when i could use it. i feel that the Defiant will give me a better read on the lanes, and also give me a stronger and more continuous motion overall. board re-action i would say approx 3-5 more than the m/c, depending on lane conditions.

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