Anyone noted the amount of change with a light run of a 4k pad to a Hy-Road or any Storm ball in their 1500 Polish?
I prefer to keep it simple so if I can just hit a ball with a single grit every 12-15 games I would be happy.
Absolutely, yes. I have started to do this with every polished storm ball I get. Add me to the 1500 polish hater list. Unless I have a huge wall, it is way too unpredictable. And even then, speed can cause major issues. The only balls I seem to have success with the polish seem to be asymmetrics.
4000 is usually enough to smooth out the reaction. Some balls I will go lower. I have 4000 on my Daredevil and it reacts nicely. The Timeless was much better once I took that down to 3000 (although I am giving this ball to my son soon). When I had the hy-road pearl in 15, it was way too over/under at box. 3000 made it better. Same thing at 14. I just had it hit with 4000. I need to knock the polish off on my Match Up Solid still.
Generally speaking, I go with 4000 or 3000. If I do go back to polish, it will be a lower grit and then lightly applied polish, just enough to give it a slight shine.