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Author Topic: Help me choose my first Roto  (Read 1825 times)


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Help me choose my first Roto
« on: June 10, 2003, 10:03:25 AM »
Hello folks,

I'm looking to begin incorporating Roto-Grip into my arsenal, but dont know where to start.

My shot is in my profile.

Here's what I've got:

Red Pearl Hammer: Used for spares & on desert drys

Burgandy Hammer: Used on spotty conditions, carrydown & fried heads with carrydown

Brunswick Igniter, about a 5&1/2" pin, Drilled pin over fingers & CG kicked about 1&1/2" right: I love this ball with clean backends & flatter oil. I play it up the twig & it makes great move in the back end. On drier walled conditions has a great move for me. Not very good in carrydown.

Track Voodoo, 3" pin, Drilled pin just above & to the right of ring finger with CG kicked right very slightly: My everything else ball. If I cant get the igniter to move or if it's catching too much carrydown, I'll use the Voodoo.  On heavy oil the voodoo works just fine from the twig or up the boards further in.

After looking at what I've got I guess the first reccommendation would be a particle. Either the Fuel or SSP. But I want to know why that would be the reccomendation & also what conditions I would be using it on. Also, if there's any other ball you would reccomend, feel free. I'm here to get your help.

Also, if for some strange reason someone is looking to trade a Roto for one of the balls listed above, or for a 16# Stingray/c please let me know.

Thanks in advance for the help!

Edited on 6/11/2003 1:09 AM



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Re: Help me choose my first Roto
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2003, 07:27:27 AM »
By the looks of things you'll want something stronger than the VooDoo. I havne't thrown the SSP (Roger said it's sick! a good way) but I have a Fuel.

I have it drilled 4 strong with a weight hole inside my pap by 1.5". I get good length with it for a particle, it has beautiful midlane and basically ignores carry-down, with great recovery and continuation thru the deck.  I got it to use on a part syhthetic, part wood house that loads the heads right before league. Being an older house, the carry down gets sloppy.

I've found the Fuel to be great for this condition, and it's also available to be used on a medium/medium heavy house shot (ProAnvilanes)with screaming backends. A few nights in league I was able to use it all 3 games and move 2 boards all night w/ slight speed adjustments!

It's a versatile piece that I use primarily for heavier stuff and carrydown,'ll love it.

I also have a Silver Streak Solid.....if you prefer a solid, and like a hard arcing (HARD ARCING) move, you'll love this piece! I have mine drilled 4x5 and I can use it on all mediums and some medium heavies.  Able to play this ball deeper than I usually play with comfort, just seeks the dry, and boom!

Anyhow, ....for what you describe.....look into a Fuel!

Roger will chime here shortly

Mustang Guy

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Re: Help me choose my first Roto
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2003, 11:41:02 AM »
I would go with the SS particle because of the price and performance in heavier patterns.  Silver Streak Pearl would also be a good choice for your 1st Roto grip ball.  A Fuel is good because it is very versatile you can use it on anything from med - heavy to heavier stuff with carry down.  All great balls, but it depends on what you bowl on the most as to which one I would suggest you get 1st.

Roger Noordhoek
Technical & Customer
Services Manager
Roto Grip, Inc.
Roger Noordhoek
Director of Marketing
Storm Products, Inc.

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