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Author Topic: HELP WITH -Roto Grip Saturn Drilling  (Read 1851 times)


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HELP WITH -Roto Grip Saturn Drilling
« on: February 03, 2006, 05:37:27 AM »
Hey just got my Saturn today 2-3-06 and it came with different specs than ordered:ball specs 1-1.5" pin 2 oz. top wght. My specs 17-18 mph off hand,30deg. axis rotation/15 deg. axis tilt, track 1 3/4" left of finger/thumb holes,righty.                                                                                                                                                            Any brilliant suggestions. I'd like it to clear the heads clean, strong mid lane roll,with a hard arching backend

Edited on 2/3/2006 2:41 PM

Edited on 2/3/2006 3:04 PM

Edited on 2/5/2006 12:03 PM



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Re: HELP WITH -Roto Grip Saturn Drilling
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2006, 01:51:35 PM »
Depends what you want the ball to do, nothing really wrong wih a shorter pin, If it were my ball I would stack it up under the bridge or ring finger...


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Re: HELP WITH -Roto Grip Saturn Drilling
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2006, 02:22:45 PM »
Thanks PJM300 More Info- I'd like it to clar the heads clean, strong mid lane roll to give a good look then hard arch to the pocket.

Edited on 2/3/2006 3:17 PM


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Re: HELP WITH -Roto Grip Saturn Drilling
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2006, 03:42:09 PM »
Ryan- Thank You I would like the ball to be my Bench Mark Ball would you do something different?


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Re: HELP WITH -Roto Grip Saturn Drilling
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2006, 05:25:53 PM »
I have to reccomend a Label Leverage Drill.  It will provide a clean reaction with the heads, a moderate midlane, and a smooth arcing moove to the pocket
Thats just my opinion, I could be wrong

AFAIK (As far as I know), almost no matter what, when used on its designed oil pattern/amount, the ball will make a "smooth arcing move to the pocket".

Of course you could drill it with the pin 5" above the bridge or you could sand it to 2000 grit and then apply a high gloss shine, then all bets are off.
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J. R. R. Tolkien

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Re: HELP WITH -Roto Grip Saturn Drilling
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2006, 05:48:03 PM »
When I get mine in about a month or two.  I plan on drilling a 3-4inch pin either 4.5(maybe go as high as 5.0) X 4.5 for more length or a 2inch pin which will go for a bit more roll @ 2X2 (closer to my PAP).  Eyes and ears are open to try and learn from others.  I think this ball, being solid and heavy round weight block has pretty good mid lane transition. So I would think for high roll track, such as mine, would probably get away with more length (5X4) to get the ball a better look. Definitely open to suggestions.  (stats below).  Something also, to keep in mind, this is a reactive solid, so to get a little more length it can be polished up.  

PAP: 5 9/16" -->  1/2"--^ (Axis)
Axis Tilt: Generally, approximately Circ: 11 inches estimate (10-12 inches range) 17° estimate (24°-10° range) - variance depends on release and individual ball flare that is chosen.
Axis Rotation:25° estimate(10°-40° range)
= High Roll Track
Revs:275-350 rpm/ 15-17 revs (estimated conservative)
Speed:15-16 mph (estimated)
The Bowling Ball Manufacturing Kingdom Scorecard (hint: they are all good)
Brunswick ***** (King)(Budweiser/Anheuser-Busch)[make Elite, Lane#1, MoRich]
Storm ***** (Prince)(Coors)[make Roto Grip, Dyno-Thane, Circle Athletics]
Columbia **** (nobleman)(Miller)[make Track, AMF]
Ebonite *** (jester)(Strohs)[make Hammer]
Visionary (no current rating)(wizard)(microbrew?)
Lanemaster (no current rating)(knight)(more microbrew?)
[Note: The end companies usually spec out their own balls]

Edited on 2/3/2006 6:43 PM

Edited on 2/3/2006 9:55 PM


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Re: HELP WITH -Roto Grip Saturn Drilling
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2006, 05:58:01 PM »
Based on your stats, KeglerX, I wonder (I honestly do; I don't know) if you wouldn't just be better off with the pearl, the Mercury, a very rolly/arcy ball.

FYI 10 1/2" diameter track = 20 degree of tilt. Larger diameter = less degrees of tilt. Smaller diameter = more degrees of tilt.
"...for advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise...."
J. R. R. Tolkien

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Re: HELP WITH -Roto Grip Saturn Drilling
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2006, 06:11:35 PM »
Men- Thank You I was leaning to a label leverage pattern and now I've got some soul searchin' to do with a few ideas repersented above and I'm now leaning to the stack under the bridge, My Sonic Boom is drilled label leverage and it's a real 10 killa. Three cheers for all the great bowlers here at BALL REVIEWS.COM!!!   Anyone else wants to chime in and toss your hat into the ring please do.


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Re: HELP WITH -Roto Grip Saturn Drilling
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2006, 06:14:18 PM »
Based on your stats, KeglerX, I wonder (I honestly do; I don't know) if you wouldn't just be better off with the pearl, the Mercury , a very rolly/arcy ball.
DYM= Saturn (solid) = roll, arc; Mercury (pearl) = roll, angle???. Good points - thinking of either getting both or just the Saturn and work with polish to get it longer.  I've had more success with the solids and particles. I'm older than the kids, with a urethane mentality (blue hammer) just can't get drunk enough to get the pearls down the lane to deal with the crazy flip (with the heavy roll). (yes I know they can be tamed with drillings; kinda defeats the purpose) but like the more controlled look to the pocket, I get enough backend.  I know loosen up a little.  It be cool. thanks for the comments.
The Bowling Ball Manufacturing Kingdom Scorecard (hint: they are all good)
Brunswick ***** (King)(Budweiser/Anheuser-Busch)[make Elite, Lane#1, MoRich]
Storm ***** (Prince)(Coors)[make Roto Grip, Dyno-Thane, Circle Athletics]
Columbia **** (nobleman)(Miller)[make Track, AMF]
Ebonite *** (jester)(Strohs)[make Hammer]
Visionary (no current rating)(wizard)(microbrew?)
Lanemaster (no current rating)(knight)(more microbrew?)
[Note: The end companies usually spec out their own balls]

Edited on 2/3/2006 7:10 PM


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Re: HELP WITH -Roto Grip Saturn Drilling
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2006, 07:15:35 PM »

Bet I'm older than you!
I too lean toward control type balls but have leanred the hard way that skid/flip carry better. With your higher track, even pearls tend towards a controlled type of reaction, Besides the Mercury is still rolly, for a pearl, implying it doesn't need to be forced to arc with a special drilling. Tried to convince (not con) a friend into that idea for a Burgundy Pure Hammer: that the ball will arc not matter the drilling. Couldn't convince him NOT to put a pin at 90 degrees to grip center, CG in grip center drilling; now it will only turn the corner, if he hits it HARD. So he's got a special, special purpose ball.

All that said, don't let my "con" job coerce you into doing what is not inherently comfortable for your mind AND your body.
"...for advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise...."
J. R. R. Tolkien

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Re: HELP WITH -Roto Grip Saturn Drilling
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2006, 08:02:35 PM »

Usually, try to stay with the "natural game", knowing the limits to my action vs accuracy.  I try to do the homework before making a ball purchase.  One thing the Roto Grip Planets line looks very interesting.  I think many people are reverting back to a tamer solution for these lighter conditions, or perceived lighter conditions (god knows, theres a lot of oil on the lanes compared to 20 years ago, and really aggressive balls, aka dynamic weight blocks with soakable coverstock that will eat it up = faster transition! dry today = flood many years ago, oh gotta love technology; bowler's perception)  Saturn and Mercury are really value oriented offerings by Rotogrip, their a lot of ball for the money.
Lanes will burn up and the oil will move, depending on play.  If you can't go deeper seems like the planets might just do the trick - also on wood lanes they might just be playable with tamer solutions, such as, these.  I'm definitely not implying in anyway, that these balls don't move, I think they do, but just more of a controllable option that has inherent carry power designed into the ball (hope - based on the initial reviews).
The Bowling Ball Manufacturing Kingdom Scorecard (hint: they are all good)
Brunswick ***** (King)(Budweiser/Anheuser-Busch)[make Elite, Lane#1, MoRich]
Storm ***** (Prince)(Coors)[make Roto Grip, Dyno-Thane, Circle Athletics]
Columbia **** (nobleman)(Miller)[make Track, AMF]
Ebonite *** (jester)(Strohs)[make Hammer]
Visionary (no current rating)(wizard)(microbrew?)
Lanemaster (no current rating)(knight)(more microbrew?)
[Note: The end companies usually spec out their own balls]

Edited on 2/3/2006 9:53 PM


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Re: HELP WITH -Roto Grip Saturn Drilling
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2006, 05:46:56 AM »

One thing I haven't seen yet is a ball review comparison of the Mercury and the Saturn. With a pearl of 1500 grit polished and a solid of 800 grit dull, I'd bet you'd even see a difference in these balls, if the pearl were taken to 1000 grit polished (a compound polish) and the solid were lightly polished.
Just so fascinating.
"...for advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise...."
J. R. R. Tolkien

"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: HELP WITH -Roto Grip Saturn Drilling
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2006, 06:28:22 AM »

RotoDave has both; hope to hear some more from him. The post is 1/15; hasn't to my
knowledge written a formal review for post on the Saturn.  I too, like to have the ball in my hands giving time, like a month,  before a review, posting only initial results threads, giving it time for a little cover breakin, mindful reflection, arsenal comparison and honest appraisal.
If polish were applied to the Saturn, I bet it would tone it down a pinch if not quite a bit more, and give er' some delay.
Dull the Mercury, ahh! theres an idea.  excellent stuff.
Think coverstock prep.  Gotta remind myself. Easy to forget. Shine on! or maybe
Shine off......

The Bowling Ball Manufacturing Kingdom Scorecard (hint: they are all good)
Brunswick ***** (King)(Budweiser/Anheuser-Busch)[make Elite, Lane#1, MoRich]
Storm ***** (Prince)(Coors)[make Roto Grip, Dyno-Thane, Circle Athletics]
Columbia **** (nobleman)(Miller)[make Track, AMF]
Ebonite *** (jester)(Strohs)[make Hammer]
Visionary (no current rating)(wizard)(microbrew?)
Lanemaster (no current rating)(knight)(more microbrew?)
[Note: The end companies usually spec out their own balls]

Edited on 2/4/2006 7:28 AM