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Author Topic: Horizon drilled today... big thumbs up to Roto Grip again..  (Read 872 times)


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I had this ball drilled up today and wow does this ball move on the backend. I have it drilled 4x4 with no weight hole and it outhooks the Storm Agent I had drilled similiar by at least 5 boards.. They are both reactive pearls but the weight block in the Horizon must be stronger. I can't wait to use it some more. Not that it matters but the ball is also a great looking ball. I love the color!!

When this ball hits the pins, it explodes. I have for sure noticed a diiference in the carry and sound Roto Grip equipment, first with the Epic Battle and now the Horizon.

This ball is a fantastic bargain in the mid priced ball market..
Official member of the Texas Express, 2005-2006 Scratch Doubles Champions!!!!!

on 4/18/06: 193 298 193, now thats a consistant league night, huh?? LOL..

Edited on 5/1/2006 10:07 PM
Radical Bowling Technologies ...Its more than just an Attitude!