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Author Topic: Horizon, Mercury, & Saturn  (Read 1044 times)


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Horizon, Mercury, & Saturn
« on: April 30, 2006, 01:24:55 AM »
First off, I know my username is a bit off to be in here, but these balls REALLY intrigue me.

  I have been looking at trying the Saturn and Mercury, but now they throw in the Horizon. I have used Roto-grip in the past ( SS, SSP, SonicX solid, and going WAY back, black grenade and Outlaw), but they always seemed TOO strong for what I was trying to do ( except the Sonic solid), and these three appear as they might fit my game better than the offerings of the past.

 In a related post, , the question of how much stronger the Horizon is than the Mercury.  I pretty well know that the Saturn is one of the picks, I just need to know which one of these others ( Mercury or Horizon ) is the best complement for it.

 I have NO PROBLEM getting a ball to hook, or hit, so lower flare, mid-priced stuff isn't a problem for me. They usually work better for me as they usually have lower RG's and Differentials. That plays good for me with my rev dominant game.

The One, The Only, The Ebo-Knight!

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Albert Einstein
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Re: Horizon, Mercury, & Saturn
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2006, 09:13:23 PM »
Simple answer: Horizon is STRONG!

I punched up both the Horizon and the Mercury this week, both drilled on the weaker side, and the Horizon just SCREAMS on the backend. The Mercury, however, is GREAT on drier lanes. Nice and even, not jumpy at all. Very predictable.

Just my .02.

"Having a family is like having a bowling alley installed in your head."


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Re: Horizon, Mercury, & Saturn
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2006, 10:47:40 PM »
Yes the Horizon should be stronger, drilled mine 2 1/2 inch above bridge cg shifted right no hole, trying to play straghter with this layout, and yes the ball can get down the lane but you can still see some trace of midlane, I might drill another one pin under bridge to get more midlane.

IMO the Mercury should be very close to Sonic Boom, and the Saturn is quite a bit stronger than the Solid Sonic in terms of oil handling, but the look should be very close.
