I first wanted to thank Roger "Mustang Guy" and Mike "rotomike" for a chance to try one out.
I've had this ball for about 3 weeks now and I've used it on wood, guardian, Anvilane and HPLs. I decided to try a little different layout on this one. I went strong (for me) with the a 4.5 x 4 with the pin 4 inches above the midline, extra hole on the axis. High flaring layouts for me actually smooth out the backend because of the high initial flare. I wanted a ball that's clean through the fronts, but not too jerky off the spot. Just a little more pop than a RSX and Ultra Sonic I have with the pin down but same pin to PAP. It was a tad over/under at first until I lightly hit it with a burgundy scotchbrite. After a little break in, it started showing it's strengths.
This layout combination gives me a ball that's clean through the fronts, with a strong midlane but what I like is the backend is relatively smooth for such a strong pearl. I have a high axis rotation so getting the ball to turn the corner is not an issue. This ball, even with the high flare, allows me to play straigther through the fronts because of the pearl cover. It doesn't liked to be looped and it will labor a bit if I try to cover too many boards but again that's the layout I chose. Keeping the angles down, which I prefer, is what this ball likes. Carry is phenominal. I managed to shoot 300 with it tonight (along with a 279 and 269 last week). I'm only mentioning the scores because this house, although very easy, is known for carry issues because of carrydown. Straighter angles work better, but you still need the ball to pick up and transition to carry. The Horizon is matching up very well.
I'm pretty sure this ball will get lost in all the new Expo offerings but anyone looking for a strong pearl definately should take a look at this one. I'll definately be looking at picking up another one (if I don't get a Saga

) and going with a layout that will allow me to better circle it.