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Author Topic: How close is the Merc to a Sonic Boom?  (Read 992 times)


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How close is the Merc to a Sonic Boom?
« on: February 27, 2007, 01:30:45 AM »
I really like what I'm getting from my Sonic Boom, and I'm thinking about putting a Mercury away as a replacement if the Boom ever wears out.  Or maybe I'd drill it weaker and alter the surface if I decide I want something for drier lanes.  How close would a Mercury be to a Sonic Boom if they had the same surface prep and drilling?

Judging purely by stats on the balls I think they're very close.



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Re: How close is the Merc to a Sonic Boom?
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2007, 09:40:23 AM »
I keep hearing the Mercury is weaker or smoother.

I have a boom that was not much....(looked like the mercury's I had seen) till I put a 9 inch from grip center weighthole.  Now it is so big and smooth and strong on the backend!


PS note the pattern I am on is plagued with carrydown on the left!  So the weighthole gave me the extra movement I needed!
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Re: How close is the Merc to a Sonic Boom?
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2007, 01:10:28 PM »
I'd say the Sonic Boom is the stronger ball, but the Mercury is still a very good ball as well. Drilled strong it will work quite well on medium/dry to dryer surfaces. I would assume that the Neptune will do the same.



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Re: How close is the Merc to a Sonic Boom?
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2007, 07:25:24 PM »
I had a Boom it to me was a bit stronger in the mid lane and stronger arcing on the back. The Merc is longer almost no midlane and more angular on the back, also better suited for burnt heads. The Neptune will be a straighter is greater orb for the toast I'd say.
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