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Author Topic: how should i drill my rush  (Read 1103 times)


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how should i drill my rush
« on: April 14, 2004, 01:12:48 AM »
all suggestions welcome...
profile: High track, med speed, med revs, looking for it to handle a decent amount of oil prolly medium-heavy more on the heavy and be real good on wet dry
currently i have a voodoo handles a decent bit of soup but has trouble with the wet dry patterns, crunchtime is on the way and a power charge that im not really happy with

any suggestions how to drill it?

its all simple physics



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Re: how should i drill my rush
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2004, 08:11:23 PM »
I'm high track med speed and revs too....I have mine 4x3, hole below pap on next to just above ring, cg kicked out.  This ball is the smoothest ball I've thrown, even moreso than a hook-set layout....just revs up really quick and is extremely predictable....

My Tues league is pretty wet dry, and this ball just does exactly what it's told...I know EXACTLY what it's going to do as soon as I let it go.

Mine is in box condition and I would say is good for med-medium heavy....but if you went to 800 smooth or even 600 smooth, it could handle more.  I haven't seen it get squirrely in carrydown yet, but I've heard it doesn't like it that much.

Based upon what I've seen, bowling on a medium heavy wet dry in box condition...depending on your pap, a 4x3 may work, especially if you touch the surface a bit. (800 smooth or so)

Rags, .... why do you think it wouldn't be something he would want ? Genuinely curious
Better....much better!