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Author Topic: How to get the most backend out of my SE  (Read 1778 times)


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How to get the most backend out of my SE
« on: January 14, 2006, 12:10:00 PM »
I am a tweener, I throw it 15-15.5 mph with about 380 revs and a 55 degrees axis tilt.  I just ordered this ball, and I want it to go long and turn HARD, what would you SE experts recommend for a bowler like me?  As I stated in and earlier post I usually play in the middle of the lane and cover alot of boards.  I usually swing it out to the 5-10 board area and set it down around the 25.  I do want to be able to play other shots, deeper and also down and in, but that is my bread and butter.  Thanks for any help.



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Re: How to get the most backend out of my SE
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2006, 04:58:05 PM »
RotoDave, I'm trying to understand how layouts affect ball reaction.  Can you explain how the degree difference in the Pin-to-Pap and Pin-to-CG affects the ball reaction (all other things being equal)?  Using your example of a 4" pin to pap, what would the ball reaction difference be between a 100 degree angle and a 70 degree angle?  In general, is a smaller angle a weaker layout, so that the layout gets stronger as you increase the angle?


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Re: How to get the most backend out of my SE
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2006, 02:26:44 PM »
Hey guys, thanks a lot for all of the valuable information, and I appreciate all of the time and thought that went into your replies.  This will be very helpful for me when discussing potential layouts with my current ball driller, and I'll also be better able to understand what he might be proposing before the ball is actually drilled.  There have been times in the past where I felt I was just at the mercy of the guy that runs the local proshop I USED to go to, because I didn't know enough about it.  This is definitely a good starting point for me.  Thanks.


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Re: How to get the most backend out of my SE
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2006, 06:29:34 PM »
The specs for the ball I ordered are 2-2.5 inch pin and 3.5 oz topweight.  Will that have any real effect on the length I get out of that drill?


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Re: How to get the most backend out of my SE
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2006, 08:39:21 PM »
How to get the most backend out of my SE

Drill holes in it.    Someone had to say it.  

Pchee would love this ball.  He didn't call them Roto Flip for nothing.

Mine is drilled 4 x 2.5 with a weight hole above my PAP.  It's move isn't exactly sideways at the break point, but it is a hard, distinctive move.  It's one of those ball you have confidence in that as long as you throw it well, it will come back from almost anywhere.  For me, that really helps to loosen up my armswing.  You don't get tight from trying to make it hook.  It does need decent oil in the heads or you'll never get it far enough right before it makes it's move.
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Re: How to get the most backend out of my SE
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2006, 09:03:01 PM »
Pchee would love this ball. He didn't call them Roto Flip for nothing.

You can get chicks with that flip!!!

Me thinks pchee's love for the Green Gargoyle had more to do with it's "hard move" that chicks dig than it's massive strikes and his 172 average.


Doc Hollywood

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Re: How to get the most backend out of my SE
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2006, 07:05:41 AM »
Pchee would love this ball. He didn't call them Roto Flip for nothing.

You can get chicks with that flip!!!

Me thinks pchee's love for the Green Gargoyle had more to do with it's "hard move" that chicks dig than it's massive strikes and his 172 average.

This would be too much ball for the peach.  With his manly revs he would have to stand in the left lane and throw the ball over the guttercaps and he would still get taht ball to go brooklyn. Anyhow 172 is much too high for an average.  It's 162 LOL
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Re: How to get the most backend out of my SE
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2006, 08:28:17 AM »
This would be too much ball for the peach. With his manly revs he would have to stand in the left lane and throw the ball over the guttercaps and he would still get taht ball to go brooklyn. Anyhow 172 is much too high for an average. It's 162 LOL

I was giving the peach the benefit that his average went up the past few years Doc.  

If, you see him tell him the gang at BR misses his droll humor.
