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Author Topic: Human Nature  (Read 1565 times)


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Human Nature
« on: September 16, 2004, 03:37:25 PM »
Is it just me or is it human nature to force a bad reaction, until you have semi drake yourself, before making a ball change? Last night in league as usual I started off with the Inferno, probably not what would be considered a benchmark ball to begin with. Never the less the ball was sweet in the warm-up and continued to react well for six frames. After the sixth frame the BS started. It seems like the Inferno needs more than medium oil to stay in play in this house but it is usually good for at least one game.

After six frames I knew it was time to change balls but our team was up by 120 odd sticks so why not punish this ball into submission. I screwed with that Inferno for the rest of the first game and three quarters of the second game until the ball punished me into submission. The dam thing reminded me of my wife.

Two games in the toilet but at least my teammates had held me up and we easily won both games. The Inferno is a good ball but for me it seems to be extremely condition specific. It’s a beautiful thing or not a pretty picture.

To sum this night up, I bring out the Sonic Boom for the third game and roll a 243 to eke out my average. It’s funny in a way how the older you get the more stupid mistakes you find yourself making.

That Inferno is soon going to be replaced by another Roto-Grip ball before it corrupts my Sonic Boom and Top Fuel. What's the old adage, "guilt by association"    


Mustang Guy

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Re: Human Nature
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2004, 11:54:44 AM »

That is great to hear!  I would love to help you out with picking out a new Roto Grip ball for you.  Email me personally anytime at

Roger Noordhoek
Technical & Customer
Services Manager
Roto Grip, Inc.

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Roger Noordhoek
Director of Marketing
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Re: Human Nature
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2004, 06:50:07 PM »
Oddly there is at least another degree of oil handling type of ball between the original Inferno and the Sonic Boom.

We all need to recognize when one ball or one type of ball is too strong for the amount of oil on the lane or the amount which is transitioning. AND I definitely include myself in that number. It can be quite sneaky, as the oil depletion rate proceeds and we seem not to notice. Not an easy decision to make at any point.

I wonder if a Silver Streak or a Retro Resurrection or a Bruiser (or that type of ball)  would not have been better to start with and then transition to a Boom for the 3rd game. just a wild guess ....

"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."

Edited on 9/17/2004 11:20 PM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Human Nature
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2004, 04:30:43 PM »
Charlest, you're right on the money, the Inferno on the lane conditions I have been seeing is more problematic than not. I have been lamenting over getting a Silver Streak solid or a Retro for a while now. Like you said, there were better choices out there.

I did e-mail Mr. Noordhoek for some advice on dialing in some R-G balls to cover the dry through the medium conditions. I love the Boom and Top Fuel but that is leaving some huge gaps for a less skilled bowler trying to cover dry to medium heavy conditions. The medium heavy I may see twice a year. The medium to light to dry short oil I see weekly.

Thanks for the input,
