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Author Topic: I compared the SSP , Threat and the Super Carbide part II  (Read 3392 times)


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I compared the SSP , Threat and the Super Carbide part II
« on: May 02, 2003, 04:31:02 PM »
I tested the SSP, Threat and the Super Carbide yesterday on both wood and synthetics.

The SSP worked very well for me on wood lanes.  The oil was a little shorter, there wasn't any carry down and it didn't near the violent reaction on the break point on wood. I like to stand left and throw right so the SSP works very well for me when there isn't any carry down and thee's a defined break point.  The cheap oil they use on bsae pushes to easily so the carrydown develops to quickly causing a very over under condition. This is where the Threat works very well.  The Threat worked very well on both the synthetics and the wood.  The back end is not as strong as the SSP, but I don't expect it to.  Being a particle pearl, it does work a little better in the carry down then the SSP.  Thats another erason I want to ry the Silver Streak Solid. But the Threat wsa very consistant on both wood and synthetci lane conditions, though you do look like a craker with the SSP.  In Fremont, I never saw Pchee2 struggle with the Threat.  It wsa his go to ball.  But when Pchee2 and I decided to test our SSPs together, he could only spray the lanes because of the strength of the SSP.  I had much more control and I could not get the SSP to flip near as much as Pchee2 did.  600 revs and 19 MPH ball speed will do that I compared the SSP with the XL while I ws up there and though the XL carried better, the SSP wsa a lot stronger.

Then I bought out the Supr Carbide.  I have four drilled differently with different surface preps.  I used a Supre Carbide drilled similar in box condition, light buff, and on the frsh oil shot, neither the Threat or the SSP ws in the same ball park. Pchee2 could never spreay the lanes with the Super carbide, but the Super carbide read the break point extremely well without over reacting, was tremendous in the carry down and the hitting sound and carry was far superior to either ball.  but I posted this before about the Super Carbide. The only bowling balls I throw now that might seem to hit as harder or harder then Lane 1 now, is the Lanemasters bowling balls.  They hit hard, read hard or at least sound like it.

If anyone would like me to compare the SSP or the Sonic X to any othre bowling ball I have please let me know.  I will not compare any bowling balls that I don't own or throw myself.


Edited on 5/3/2003 7:50 AM
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)



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Re: I compared the SSP , Threat and the Super Carbide part II
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2003, 07:58:42 PM »
Roger/Presto/Mustang Guy stay out of this post if your feelings get hurt.  This discussion is for the strong and mighty not the weak at heart, and especially not ones who run to Scott or Leftside.  

Nicanor I also threw all 3 balls and my favorite out of all of them is the Threat.  I can use it on a wider variety of conditions.  I always know what its going to do.  And I love the way it hits.  Last night I was throwing so much wood with the Threat.  Some of those messengers would have been in the next city if the side walls weren't there.  The super carbide would be second, but only because its so aggressive and condition specific for me.  However, that is not a bad thing because I would use it on long heavy oil where the Threat wouldn't be enough ball.  I also think that the super carbide is a great ball but its cover is just a tad too aggressive for my style because I dont' see the oil necessary for it.  The super carbide does hits great.  A ball that I really liked from Lane 1 was the original blue carbide which had the same core as the super.  The blue carbide had a lighter particle load and I polished mine up to a glossy shine and I could use it on mediums to heavy mediums and it was very controllable and powerful.  It had a nice strong continuous roll and absolutely crushed the pins.  I would think that my blue carbide highly polished would be equal to you and your super carbide.  Have you ever tried the blue carbide?  I am getting a slightly used one and a pro purple from Clump so next time you come up here you can throw it side by side against the super carbide.

Also, have you tried a Thrash yet?  Are you going to get the power charge?

pchee2<~~~aka Mr RotoGrip3000

pchee2<~~~strokin the ball with cranker revs and spraying the lanes for an average of a buck 62.  This guy is full of STUFF!

Edited on 5/3/2003 8:34 PM


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Re: I compared the SSP , Threat and the Super Carbide part II
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2003, 07:30:43 AM »
Philosophy Side Step:
CYR and Pchee2,

I have tried some of these 5x5 type of drillings and, in general, I find them far too snappy and lacking in any sense of control; kind of like CYR indicated in his mini-comparison above.

I've never even dared tried to drill up a Silver Streak solid although I have one; going to give to a friend who's a fluffer for Knoxville. Anyways,
Recently I have tried an old friend drilling to reduce the backend and get a handle on some control, since the lanes I've been bowling on have been so darn dry lately.

3x5 or 3x5.5:
It seems that since most solids I use are shined anyway, this drilling seems to help them burn up enough in the midlane and the angle, around 110 degrees helps reduce the backend, where as stacked drilling, be they 4x4, 5x5 or 6x6, all make for incredibly hard to control snaps, some larger, some smaller. In fact, I'm going to try this on a few more balls. It seems to have worked on an Igniter
and a Tornado (which can be very flippy and strong). I'm having a Power Groove drilled up this week; it's supposed to be much stronger than its specs indicate and I think I'm going to try this type of drilling on it also.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."