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Author Topic: I need a Roto Grip user opinion  (Read 1153 times)

Hand of God

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I need a Roto Grip user opinion
« on: July 31, 2006, 08:31:16 PM »
I am looking to buy an epic battle...

Can I use this for heavy oil, and heavy patterns with carry down?

How does it roll?

What else do you suggest?



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Re: I need a Roto Grip user opinion
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2006, 04:33:13 AM »
This might help.

Evolve to a smarter game.'s unofficial FAQ section


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Re: I need a Roto Grip user opinion
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2006, 06:10:20 AM »
The Battle is the best oil ball that I have seen.

As Dave said just have the cover adjusted to your liking and go to town.

The 800 sanded factory finish is good for most oily conditions but you can add more surface heavier oil.

The continuation through the pins is amazing for a particle ball.

Mike Sinek
Roto Grip Pro Shop Staff
Kingdom member for life
Mike Sinek
Roto Grip / Storm Staff Manager
Kingdom member for life

Big Jake

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Re: I need a Roto Grip user opinion
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2006, 08:09:15 AM »
I am looking to buy an epic battle...

X-sa-lent news

Can I use this for heavy oil, and heavy patterns with carry down?

yes, thats what I use mine for.

How does it roll?

Out of about two months of shooting it on my league nites I have only seen it so oily once that I couldn't swing it so I just played straight up...a very sweet roll.

Also when I do throw it, I slow down my ball speed and put more hand into it
since its usually very oil.

Btw, it was the typical THS oily shot. Heavy in the middle with dry boards on the very outside. Also, the ball hits like a freaking truck...IMHO

What else do you suggest?

Well, I already bought the Scorchn Inferno and that was a very nice oil ball until about 50 games and then that died on me <sigh!> I have now rolled the epic battle for at least a couple of months and that includes a whole lot of practice games with it

and it is still going strong...and I don't maintenance it that much. A very good investment for my money. Good luck on your decision!

Now throwing pretty much all flavors...

Hand of God

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Re: I need a Roto Grip user opinion
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2006, 01:39:28 AM »
excellent.. thnx for the info