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Author Topic: i take it all back  (Read 2230 times)


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i take it all back
« on: January 27, 2008, 06:14:59 AM »
i dont know what i am doing wrong ,but its me not the ball. i am never going to knock another ball again,first of all because i am never buying another ball again and secondly ,because whatever i am doing that i call bowling is way way different than what everyone else does.
     I was using the cell today on a reverse block pattern that is extremely heavy outside 10. I had the cell sanded to dirt to get it to hook in the oil. The sanding worked like a charm . the cell is now the same surface as the odyssey and the cell is stronger. Probably about 5 boards. where the cell went brooklyn the odyssey held pocket.
    The real reason for my post is this. I sold 2 balls to a team mate. the old ninja fury,and a track dry heat. He throws with no thumb, but he is a novice at best. I could barely get the ninja to move and he has the ball hooking the hole lane.He is covering more boards with the ninja than i am with the cell,(no way i would let him throw the cell and really embarrase me).then he switches to the dry heat and the ball fits in perfect under the ninja. I threw it just to see what it might do, and it went 60 feet.all i could do was laugh.I throw the ball 11 mph he throws it hooks in his hand and it is a hockey puck in mine. So all the balls i have mocked and any past reviews where i claimed the ball was lousy and left much to be desired i.e, wmb,battle,big one,oracle and last but not least the cell i take it all back. I am just a non bowling wanna be hack with no skills and less brains. These great balls call for at least a little skill. the should come with a rating like movies.Average ,beginner, novice,you get the picture.I am somewhere between novice and beginner. going to make my pluto my first ball i think it might be at my skill level and get a coach and start from scratch. I can drive a car ,but I dont think i can take john force in his car or anyone in his stable.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling



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Re: i take it all back
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2008, 02:20:39 PM »
it just depends on how it is laid out and how he throws. because me and my friend both throw around 17-18 mph and most of the time if the ball hooks for him it doesnt so  much for me and the other way around because of our rotation.  because i dont use my thumb and he does and he has balls that just hook like youve never seen and then i have some that are the same way for me.  we both have seek and destroys and i can hook mine a lot but not so much his and it is the other way around also.


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Re: i take it all back
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2008, 04:03:36 PM »
Don't be too hard on yourself, there are alot of people out there have have a hard time getting a ball to turn in the oil.  Some struggle because of excessive ball speed, too much side roll, etc.  From what I've read from your profile, you have a low track which makes it really tough to get traction in oil no matter what ball you're throwing. If I were the coach, I'd work with you on trying to raise your track by staying behind the ball more and rolling it instead of trying to spin it over the top.  When playing in oil, it's better to have more forward roll so that your ball will pick up and drive thru the pins better. You'll probably gain some ball speed as a result of the change to which will help your pin carry.  Best of luck and I hope everything works out for you.


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Re: i take it all back
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2008, 04:12:23 PM »
Well, now that you know it's not the ball, you can put some work into improving your bowling skills. What weight balls do you use? If they are too heavy for you it'll kill the revs. 2 yrs ago I was throwing 16 lbs. Since then I have dropped to 15 then 14 then 13. I have since moved back up to 14 lbs. I can put many more revs on a 14 lb ball than I ever could with a 16 lb and revs is what makes the ball hook. I also used to let my thumb get in the way when releasing the ball which is also a rev killer. Do you have anybody that can watch you and tell you what is going on with your hand at release? Video would be even better. BTW my son throws no thumb and he can take a ball I play straight up the boards with and make it hook the whole alley. You can't go by the no thumbers.
So many questions, so little time but I'm having fun.


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Re: i take it all back
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2008, 06:46:00 PM »
thanks to all. I have been here before and i guess i will get thru this again.The point about new versus old is so true. I shot like crap last night and cost my team a sweep in position round using a rising and a pluto. they put out a different shot and when the lights came on i had nothing. I was so disgusted i wanted to leave. I took the first 2 games for the lanes to come to whare i had a shot.Today i went to an alley i know i can strike in to hopefully bolster my confidence and see what if anything i could have done differently. Picked up the rising and it went dead left. Picked up the pluto and it squirted like last night. I also had my hercules so i thru it to see where it stood in regards to the pluto. I got basically the same reaction from the pluto that i got from the hercules. Money down the drain another new ball for nothing. Second game i shot 268 with the herc. Now I have that pissed off i lost my wallet and got my car stollen stupid feeling. I dont know what it is about practice and league that i cannot find a shot or the right ball in league,but anytime i practice i have no problem getting lined up and being consistent.Its almost like someone is playing a joke on me. I make 85% of my spares and shoot above 220 in practice, league,126 138 159 5 or 6 opens a game 1 strike i look like i have never picked up a ball let alone know how to throw it. Its really weird and totally perplexing. But i do know its not anyone of my balls fault.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling

Steve Richter

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Re: i take it all back
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2008, 07:28:06 PM »

To ease your frustration and understand if its a match-up issue, bowler issue, grip (fit) issue or lane pattern issue, go get your game evaluated by a USBC certified instructor.  You have two GOLD level instructors in your area if I read your profile right.  Spigner and Chilcutt at Hawthorne are top notch.

Please don't misunderstand me, do a favor for yourself and never spend another dollar on balls without first getting some quality instruction - you never know if a small change could make a huge difference in your game.  In fact you may start to see really different reactions out of your stuff as a result.

I'll leave with you a very impactful quote I heard a long time ago that I think about every time I think it's a ball issue for me: "There are no magic balls, just magical bowlers and there is no substitute for making a good shot".
Steve Richter
Roto Grip Amateur Staff Member

Moose Nugget

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Re: i take it all back
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2008, 07:30:53 PM »
Take a deep breath!...........Now stop for a moment and think about all the differences between when you bowl in league vs practice.  I'm willing to bet you bowl quicker in practice than in league.  You get on a roll and move from lane to lane with out taking the 2-3 minute break between shots.  Add in the fact that in practice you don't have all the distractions of your teammates/friends talking about the guy/gal on the next lane or how their day went.  Many people fail to practice properly.  I'd bet most people reading this practice the same way you and I have for years.  Go in relaxed and just throw pressure of what to do now that I missed, just get up on the other lane and try something different to line up not worrying about if it works.  After all we are just practicing and once I figure it out I will work on my score.

A couple suggestions,  ask your center to turn the lanes on with out the score's being shown.  This way you can focus on good shots and not what your score is.  Next, have a plan.  If you feel you need to work on speed control, release adjustments, loft, reading lanes, timing, or what ever you feel needs attention then work on that.  Remember you can only work on 1 thing at a time.  Don't try and focus on your timing and finger pressure at the same time.  Most problems that occur at the line such as stepping out of your shot begin all the way back at the start of our approach.  

Work on the mental aspect of your game.  Keeping all your thoughts positive and building yourself up not tearing it down.  If you throw a bad shot, so what, Chris Barnes did to and his cost him $50K, yours cost you 11 pins.  Keep bowling in perspective, you made a bad shot, it's over, let it go and get ready for the next good shot.  There are several good books that can help with visualization, and mental work.  One of my favorites is "The Mental Edge" by Kenneth Baum.  It's only 174 pages and relates to sports potential and maximizing your mental abilities to improve your life as well as your sport of choice.    If you haven't been working on your mental game your missing a huge piece of the puzzle.

Good luck and hang in there, you will turn it around.
USBC Bronze Level Certified Coach
07-08 All Air Force Bowling Team Member
Redline Bowling Services
Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota

( . .)

Edited on 1/28/2008 8:33 PM


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Re: i take it all back
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2008, 06:19:53 AM »
Without having seen you bowl, it sounds like the alleys are alot drier when you practice vs the fresh oil league shot. If you have a proshop you can go to, take the Pluto, tell the proshop guy what's going on in league and ask him for suggestions. You might need a different surface or even a different drilling on the ball.
  Can you play different style lines? 1- swing the ball, 2- straight up the boards  3- point it at the pocket. If not you may need to learn. People that can only throw one line are up the creek if the alleys don't happen to fit their style.
  With that being said, getting with a bowling coach would be the best bowling money investment you'd ever make. BUT, you have to be prepared to make changes AND practice those changes.
So many questions, so little time but I'm having fun.


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Re: i take it all back
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2008, 09:18:08 PM »
i throw multiple lines ,releases and such. i try to be versatile to adapt to the lanes. the thing i am noticeing with the pluto is that it doesnt like dry way too strong,but its nothing in oil. I have it drilled pin uo 4 inches from pap stacked. It has good movement but really inconsistent read and very suspect pin carry.I dont know whether to polish it or take it to 1000.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling


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Re: i take it all back
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2008, 09:39:05 PM »
I would suggest taking it down step by step, I don't know where it is now... but GENERALLY speaking here from MY EXPERIENCE ONLY, and yours may vary, 2000 grit is usually the cats arse for getting a ball down the lane and controlling the break point on a house shot.  Its enough to let the ball clear the heads and enough to get the ball not to fly off the dry.  That is MY experience and your milage may very from that.  I would always prefer to take a ball down over going up if only because it will offer more control.  If you shine a ball and you plunk one in the oil, especially if you tend to spin the ball, the shot has no chance of anything "good". Now if you do that with a sanded ball it might cross over, might hold and destroy, might face up and bash the beak and leave you split city, but its still going to have a chance.  If you leak a sanded ball outside, it will roll earlier and puke a little, which may or may not strike, the same can be said for a polished ball, but it may slide to the gutter before it rips back and gives you that cool looking, insane angle.

My tip of the day, make it simple again.  Go with your natural release and your most accurate line, use it exclusively for a while and quit trying to change the line and release for a bit.  Get back in a groove and go from there.  Its realizing that the equipment will do the job and I don't have to do it all that got me back going again.  Litterally 2 games of trying to recapture my "old" release got me back to being a much better bowler than I have been in the last 3 years.  Simplify it and see if you can just get back to being where you know you should be.  One last thing, usually spinning the ball comes from TRYING to make the ball hook, try to make it hook as little as possible and see where that gets you sometime once you are back to making shots.   Good luck and if all else fails, good drinking.


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Re: i take it all back
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2008, 07:18:43 PM »
i hit the pluto and the cell with a green scratch pad. The cell i had taken to 400 the pluto was at oob. It tamed the cell down so it was manageable on a day to day shot without any extra effort. Ball rolled extremely well once i got lined up. It is a good ball ,but i am still reserving anymore than that until i see it in the soup sunday morning.
    The pluto however had that extra pop to carry out the 10 pin today. It finished and carried very well with the hit of the green. I was very impressed at the noticeable difference in the way the ball finished and carried. the pluto is alot better ball than the price dictates. Its not your dry lane or spare ball.With the proper drill and surface could very well be on the heavier side of medium it has a very predictable move and on shorter oil,(need some head oil), this ball is money.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling