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Author Topic: Illusion Impressions (initial)  (Read 785 times)


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Illusion Impressions (initial)
« on: December 10, 2007, 08:58:30 AM »
Surface: OOB
Layout:  Pin 4.5" from PAP, MB under Thumb (Hand friendly layout)

This ball is a little stronger than I thought it would be, but I think I underestimated the Utimate Vision Cover.   The house I tried it out in plays pretty straight to start, but opens up very quickly.  This ball gets through the heads clean, revs up strong in the midlane (early to late depending on hand position) and is very strong, but predictable off of the friction.  

At this house, I had to move in a little more and wheel it to get away from the over/under that had developed on the pair, but once I did it was $$$. At this house, this ball is better from deeper angles because of the quick response off of the friction, it'll be interesting to see if I can play straighter with it at other houses.  I like what I see so far, but I'll have to use it on some other conditions before I review it.