Dating back a few years on this one... what would you say is the correct ball replacement in each line of Discontinued balls based off of ball reaction on the lanes (not necessarily based off of Coverstock Type as in Particle vs. Reactive... but just pure ball reaction and oil handling capabilities) by listing every EPIC, CELL, THEORY line ball?
Here's a start, although I'm probably way off on this (what would you say... maybe something different?):
Here's 2 examples I came up with for the higher end stufff:
Odyssey... Cell... Mutant Cell... Theory
Saga... Cell Pearl... Mutant Cell Pearl... Infinite Theory
Epic... Rogue Cell
Odyssey... Mutant Cell
Saga... Mutant Cell Pearl
Quest... Cell... Theory
Battle... Cell Pearl
Epic... Rogue Cell... Infinite Theory
Here's 2 examples I came up with for the lower end stuff:
Sonic X Solid... Pluto
Sonic X Pearl... Neptune... Mars
Super Sonic... Saturn... Riot... Rising Star
Ultra Sonic.... Venus... Dark Star
Sonic Boom... Mercury
Sonic X Solid... Pluto
Sonic X Pearl... Neptune
Super Sonic... Saturn... Riot
Ultra Sonic... Venus... Dark Star
Sonic Boom... Mercury
... Mars
... Rising Star
Just throwing around some ideas...