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Author Topic: Initial + Second Cell impressions  (Read 2546 times)


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Initial + Second Cell impressions
« on: January 26, 2008, 02:58:35 AM »
(FYI This is a work in progress. When I feel I know this ball, I will be posting a formal review. So far, I like it a lot. It has a lot of leeway built into the surface + core.)

Thursday, 1/24: Got my Cell from Roger at RG; Thank you, sir!

Tried it for 2 games in practice at a place that actually had left over oil from the previous night. Amazing!

Drill: pin - 4.5" from PAP, 2.5" above the midline; MB - 5.5" from PAP, under & right of the thumb hole. Stock surface - 2000 grit. (16 lb ball, pin: 2.75" pin-CG)

Anyway, the ball seems to be a virtually magnet to to the pocket. Lots and lots of release and targetting forgiveness. This house's oil pattern is usually not too forgiving; so I was very surprised. Hitting power was good. Carry power was better, kicked out a few pocket hits that were wider than avg and would normally have left the 10 pin. Good sign.

More after the weekend.
Part II, Saturday, 1/26:

(Same house as Thursday: Guardian overlay over 1st 30', pine on rear half, but the house is well taken care of, oil-wise. They're using more oil; so it's a good place to practice for Nationals.)

Trickier condition than Thursday. Still plenty of oil in the middle, lots, LOTS of carrydown, from 10 - 13 at around 42-44/5 feet, outside of 10 was fairly dry. Initial oil pattern was probably on the order of true medium-heavy.
Lots of what looked like good strike balls that hit 10 board at breakpoint left stoned 10 pins. If you went outside you had to keep your speed very firm; if you went inside, you had to slow down a bit or hit it a little harder/more revs, depending on which you did better.

There were two of us using the Cell. I also tried a Legends New Standard, my baseline oil ball, drilled pin over ring finger, CG Under ring (roughly a 5x4 drill), 2000 grit dull (exactly the same surface as the Cell). The NS is a light load solid particle.

The Cell handled the pattern pretty well, once I got lined up with the right release, target area, and ball speed. I had about 2 boards left and right of my breakpoint, which surprised me.  I had lots of room for bad releases to still carry, as long as I hit my target area (NOT point, area!), as my partner can well attest. Compared to my NS, the Cell gave me more room left & right, not a lot, as this was a hard oil "non-pattern". At this point in time, my NS gave me slightly more carry power, but I am very used it on oil. The Cell gave me more targetting room for mistakes, which may be the bigger advantage.

I am pleasantly surprised at the continuation I am getting from this asymmetric core. I have a LevRg drilled the same and do not get 1/2 half the continuation or the versatility from it that I seem to be getting from the Cell and I am not totally familiar or comfortable with the Cell yet. It is a work in progress; however, I am ready to trade my LevRG. (FYI it has a stronger MB than the Cell and may be better for a low revs bowler or a higher speed bowler than I am.)

The Cell seems to handle some carrydown, maybe a medium amount. Even with a slower ball speed, giving it more time to react, there are no miracles with a relatively fine surface (2000 grit) and a solid resin cover. It does handle a good deal and its flare potential helps in that regard, a LOT. (If you have 400 revs, you handle more carrydown, for course. I don't.)

My drill, so far, 4.5" x 5.5" x 2.5" (ht above midline) seems an ideal middle ground for me.

More after next week's session ...
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Edited on 1/28/2008 5:50 PM
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Re: Initial + Second Cell impressions
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2008, 11:20:06 AM »
Charlest. What is the MB diff on the cell, & where can I find this info? Thanks!
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Re: Initial + Second Cell impressions
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2008, 11:28:44 AM »
On their website:

16 lbs - .017"
15 lbs - .018"
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Re: Initial + Second Cell impressions
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2008, 11:50:49 AM »
Perfect! Thanks!
Think about it!


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Re: Initial + Second Cell impressions
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2008, 04:00:20 PM »
I don't know for certain about the weight core of this ball but it appears not to have an Off-set center like a MoRich product that has a Large Mb Diff. #, if this is true with the Cell, what significance does the Mb Diff have on what this ball will do?
Seahawks Fan! I don't hate other NFL teams, just their Fan's!

It doesn't matter what the core LOOKS like, it matters how much MASS bias it has. While I used the term "asymmetric", I should have used the term "mass bias" because like a few other EBonite cores, I believe the Cell's core does not have a lot of asymmetry in appearnace, but it does have asymmetry in its mass or weight distribution.

While the Cell's .018" is not as large some MoRich balls, it is larger than all Lane#1 balls and some Hammer (Black Widow series, notably) mass bias balls. That is a medium strong mass bias "rating". It does have an effect.

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Re: Initial + Second Cell impressions
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2008, 04:39:22 PM »
But does it adjust your thinking about drilling's or reaction's?
Seahawks Fan! I don't hate other NFL teams, just their Fan's!

The relatively rating of the mass bias strength must be kept in mind when you're drilling such balls. I don't like the super strong ratings of the MoRich and some other brands. They fix the ball's breakpoint reaction too strongly for my tastes. The Cell's and some other ball whose mass bias is in the .020 +/- range are as strong as I like, but that's just a personal preference, based on my release and experience with them.

On the other side of the coin, Mo has stated and other have agreed that ratings at or below the .008" level can virtually be ignored as having a significant effetc on the ball's reaction.
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Re: Initial + Second Cell impressions
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2008, 11:45:19 PM »
actually core shape has a bigger factor on ball reaction compared to numbers alone. Even tho the cell core has a MB Diff of less than .020 it still posts impressive spin times at 5 secs for a 15lbs.
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
LaSalle, Quebec
Located inside Pont Mercier Lanes.
Edmonton, Alberta.
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Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
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Re: Initial + Second Cell impressions
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2008, 09:57:22 AM »
actually core shape has a bigger factor on ball reaction compared to numbers alone. Even tho the cell core has a MB Diff of less than .020 it still posts impressive spin times at 5 secs for a 15lbs.
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
LaSalle, Quebec
Located inside Pont Mercier Lanes.
Edmonton, Alberta.
Located inside Ed's Rec Room.(WEST ED MALL)

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there are spin times and then there ae spin times. MoRich balls have simila spin times but much stronger MB ratings. I find MoRich balls more FIXED in their reaction after drilling than balls, like the Cell with milder but not mild MB ratings.

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Re: Initial + Second Cell impressions
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2008, 07:27:45 PM »
.... I have a LevRg drilled the same and do not get 1/2 half the continuation or the versatility from it that I seem to be getting from the Cell and I am not totally familiar or comfortable with the Cell yet. ....

I also have both, and I totally agree with you, the Cell makes the LevRg looks like a mid-low range ball.

Edited on 1/27/2008 8:28 PM


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Re: Initial + Second Cell impressions
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2008, 07:40:16 PM »
.... I have a LevRg drilled the same and do not get 1/2 half the continuation or the versatility from it that I seem to be getting from the Cell and I am not totally familiar or comfortable with the Cell yet. ....

I also have both, and I totally agree with you, the Cell makes the LevRg looks like a mid-low range ball.

I wouldn't go that far. The LevRg is a very good ball, for some people, just not for me and you. It could have more to do with our drillings and the patterns on which we use it.  There are too many people who find it to be an excellent ball.
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Re: Initial + Second Cell impressions
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2008, 11:33:16 PM »
I wouldn't go that far. The LevRg is a very good ball, for some people, just not for me and you. It could have more to do with our drillings and the patterns on which we use it. There are too many people who find it to be an excellent ball.

AGREE! Thanks.


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Re: Initial + Second Cell impressions
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2008, 06:37:30 AM »
I just cant wait to find enough oil to throw my cell!

I recently just polished up my Quest and found it to be far better than I remembered, but I don't want to adjust the surface on the Cell just yet!



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Re: Initial + Second Cell impressions
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2008, 06:55:19 AM »
I recently just polished up my Quest and found it to be far better than I remembered, but I don't want to adjust the surface on the Cell just yet!


I wouldn't adjust the cover either Ryan.  Some day you'll want it for a heavier shot.  

Are you guys going to do a vid of the Cell/Pluto, etc.?  Newer stuff.



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Re: Initial + Second Cell impressions
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2008, 04:44:47 PM »
The Morich core systems are usually putting up higher and higher numbers with each generation. But in general the higher the MB numbers get the faster they roll out and loose continuation. With reducing the MB number but still have a spin time of 5 secs.

The battle has been laid out and has posted spin times as fast as 3 seconds.
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
LaSalle, Quebec
Located inside Pont Mercier Lanes.
Edmonton, Alberta.
Located inside Ed's Rec Room.(WEST ED MALL)

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Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
LaSalle, Quebec-Located inside Pont Mercier Lanes.
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