With all the hype on this ball, I am getting way tempted. But I'm afraid it may be too much for my needs. Here's what I'm looking for - I bowling two leagues on Anvilane with a 38' THS, probably medium to medium-heavy. I've only been bringing two balls with me - a Shock and Awe and a pearl Power Groove. I can normally stay around the second arrow (+/- 3 boards) with a breakpoint around 5 most of the night. This works for me 75% of the time.
On some nights, it seems as if everyone is playing right around this same area and it gets really difficult to find a consistent shot. The problem is that if I try to move inside everyone the Shock and Awe just won't finish. I'm looking for something that would allow me to be inside this line (so I could bump the dry) and still finish. Would the Cell work here or is it going to be too strong for this short of a pattern? If you think it would work, what drilling would you use (PAP= 4 1/2 over and 3/8 up, 16mph by the pin deck, med revs).
Thanks in advance.
The older we grow the greater becomes our wonder at how much ignorance one can contain without bursting one's clothes.
- Mark Twain