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Author Topic: Is the Sonic X the answer?  (Read 1758 times)


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Is the Sonic X the answer?
« on: January 07, 2004, 07:39:36 PM »
Here is my problem:

Basically I'm looking for a ball to go in the later parts of the tournament when by Lightning Flash (pin / cg in grip line with the pin above fingers) is hooking too much. I'm getting better with my deep inside game but am only comfortable playing as deep as between 5th and 6th in most houses due to having to walk around the ball returns. I've started to practice a thumb down delivery too...but am not comfortable with it yet.

(EDIT)...Here are two of the balls that I've tried:

Currently I have a Big Hit Pearl drilled with the cg in the middle of my grip and the pin above and to the left of my middle finger. This ball definitely gets great length, but the turn is a bit touchy for me. I've tried two different drillings and it was either not enough hook or too much.

I also have a V2Dry drilled with the pin 4-1/2" from my PAP / above finger line, CG 2-1/2" right of my grip line...weight hole on my VAL/Centerline. Originally I thought this ball would be the answer too, but I find it reads the midlane a little too much and doesn't have enough backend to play inside. I can square up with the ball but I find it way to sensitive to the conditions that I see.

Basically I'm at a crossroad and really don't know what to try. I know that equipment can only do so much but there has to be something else that will at least give me a better look than what I have currently. I've been thinking of either the Barbed Wire or the Sonic X Pearl or Solid. I'm leaning toward the SX drilled with the pin 5-6" from my PAP as suggested by a fellow driller that I know. I’m just worried about he differences between the LF’s Curelyon pearl coverstock and the SX’s Sure Grip™ coverstock.

Well that's my what is your $0.02 into what I should do?

Edited on 1/8/2004 12:33 PM



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Re: Is the Sonic X the answer?
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2004, 10:54:50 AM »
Goof !!
So you want something between your Big Hit and LF & V2 Dry?

If so, ....I would say Sonic X Solid or the new Sonic Boom. I just informed Roger @ Roto Grip re: your post, ...hopefully he'll chime in.

I don't see that much dry, but my Sonic Solid is at 4x4 and can cover a bunch of different deteriorating conditions........I've also used it with decent success on a BIG wet/dry.
Hello, I just lowered my track !

Edited on 1/8/2004 12:18 PM


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Re: Is the Sonic X the answer?
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2004, 10:56:50 AM »
Hey Jeff...

No I don't want something between the balls listed...I just want a go to ball after the Lightning Flash.  The Big Hit and V2Dry were attempts at filling this need and I only listed them to explain some of what I have tried and how they didn't work.


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Re: Is the Sonic X the answer?
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2004, 11:00:16 AM »
It sounds to me like you might have the right balls already.i believe the thumb down release is the problem.A thumb down release will help get the ball through the heads but you will have a hard time controling the break point and the backend reaction.Not to mention this will also drop your track down and make it look like you are spinning the ball.This is why it helps the ball get through the heads "low track".I havent thrown the ball you have but I have thrown the solid sonic x and love it on late shift drier lanes.Here is the review I did on the ball...
15# 3-4 pin 3oz top.

Why buy a dry lane ball just to drill up strong?A strong drilling will make any ball hook on true dry lanes,even a blue dot.
So I drilled this one up for its intended purpose DRY LANES.I laid it out with a 6" High pin from pap (pin above middle finger for me) and the core at a 60 degree angle from pap,This is a 6"x60 degree pretty much off of the drill sheet I just put the core @ this angle because it works well for me.I left it with an out of box finish and proceeded to go find some dry lanes.Well I was running late and didn't find no dry lanes before league so I had to wait till after league.I used this ball after about 3 games of league and 6 pot games witch would actually equate to a 100 or so games if you counted each individuals games by each person.any ways enough rambling back to the ball,I started off in my base position (slide 32 over 21 out to 7 and the ball went dead straight.So I moved 10 right with my feet and five with my target and the ball moved a little bit about 3 boards still didn't hit pocket.After I lined up I was 15 boards right of my starting position.The ball has excellent length (drilling) and a small hook on the back and a real good pop through the pins.I think this is actually a good dry lane ball.


I still have the ball and it still crushes the pocket when the lanes are right for it.I just dont see it being stronger than your v2 dry naturaly but with the layout on the v2 it will want to read the midlane earlier.If you wana try the sonic then go with the 6" pin to pap I like mine but I get a lot of revs.
Why?  Because I'm A DICK

Edited on 1/8/2004 12:01 PM


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Re: Is the Sonic X the answer?
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2004, 11:24:28 AM »

I would go Solid X(more smooth) and go pin and cg at noon either just below or just above the bridge
Hello, I just lowered my track !


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Re: Is the Sonic X the answer?
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2004, 11:31:34 AM »
A DICK...  The thumbs down release is something that I've been working on in trying to HELP me get the ball down the lane.  I'm a high tracker with my natural release and when the lanes get too dry my natural release makes the ball read too early.  

When I throw the Big Hit I just wish it does "more" and wasn't as sensitive to the lane conditions.  True it's a pearl so that could part of my problem.  I guess that's why I'm leaning towards the Sonic X Solid as Jeff and a few others have suggested.  I'm just worried that the SX will be too much ball...ya know, more than it's numbers.

I suppose I could also give the BHP some surface too.

Anyone else???

Edited on 1/8/2004 12:31 PM


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Re: Is the Sonic X the answer?
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2004, 12:00:48 PM »
I'm just worried that the SX will be too much ball...ya know, more than it's numbers.

Maybe on the pearl, (bigger backend) but not on the solid X.....
Hello, I just lowered my track !


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Re: Is the Sonic X the answer?
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2004, 12:04:28 PM »
Goof I to have a high track and the sonic x solid works well for me with the layout I used.I think you should do one or two things,Drill it off of the thumbs down release pap because if you drill it off of your high pap when you switch to the thumbs down release it will bring your pap closer to the pin thus defeating the purpose.Or  drill it off of your regular pap and dont change the release.

I was also saying that the v2 dry is comparable to the sonic x solid it was that the v2 dry you have has a midlane drill on it.Hope this helps.
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