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Author Topic: Is there really enough gap between the Cell Pearl and Venus?  (Read 2384 times)

Ric Clint

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Is there really enough of a gap between the Cell Pearl and say the Venus?

Given that neither of the balls are drilled way too differently to make them react differently than what they were designed for.

I know the Illusion line (and soon to be the Nomad line) actually is the line that is right between these...

But I mean really, if you are on a shot and using the Cell Pearl and then the ball starts to come up high, is there really a need to go down to an Illusion Pearl or would you just be better off going from the Ceall Pearl to the Venus and skipping the Illusion Pearl? Because if you do go to the Illusion Pearl, the ball might only work for 2-3 frames before you end up having to go to the Venus. And that may do more harm than good?

It just seems that if the Cell Pearl is hooking too much, that the Illusion Pearl (and possibly the Nomad Pearl - since it is supposedly the line that is replacing the Illusions) will be "similarly" strong also, and you may not get to use it but 2-3 frames before you have to change to the Venus anyway... so why even pick up the Illusion Pearl?

So in essence of what I am saying... most people would have this Arsenal (and possibly too much Clutter and Overlap):

Rogue Cell
Cell Pearl
Illusion Pearl (Nomad Pearl)

Where as, it may be more effective when you are in an actual competition in the heat of the moment to have this as your Arsenal (with good seperation bewteen each ball):

Cell Pearl

Thoughts and Opinions?



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Re: Is there really enough gap between the Cell Pearl and Venus?
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2009, 02:21:44 AM »
The first list would probably be a good tournament arsenal and the extra balls are there more for the different look on the lane than for "stepping down."  The second list would be good enough if one only bowled occasional tournaments in addition to league, since that at least covers the volumes.  Just my opinion.


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Re: Is there really enough gap between the Cell Pearl and Venus?
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2009, 04:35:55 AM »
Would you need to change balls at all? Could you not just move a little left or increase your speed?

I buy a lot of stuff but not a whole lot from one company. I like to mix it up a little.

You could buy three of the same pearl ball and drill them to roll differently to progress though as you bowl and the lanes break down. Not to mention having one with more polish then the previous ones for when the lanes get drier.

Start the first pearl with a leverage pattern. Have the pin below your right finger, the cg kicked right and a weight hole on or around your PAP.

      X  X
           CG  WH

Do the next with the pin above the right finger and the cg in the palm on or close to your center grip line. Or maybe above the bridge with the same cg location.

      X   X



The last put the pin negative below the middle finger and either keep the cg in the palm or kick it a little right and put a weight hole down from your pap closer to the thumb

     X   X

       X      WH

O= Pin  WH= Weight Hole CG= Center of gravity.

That gives you an earlier aggressive roll, a later skid snap roll, and a longer length aggressive skid snap roll.

" hand, don't step on the lanes without some "
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: Is there really enough gap between the Cell Pearl and Venus?
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2009, 06:27:08 AM »
I am personally sporting a full roto grip line up. Looks like this:

Cell Pearl

Let me tell you there is plenty of space between balls to justify it. I have the same drilling on the Rogue and the Cell and the Pluto, Mars and Mercury. Nothing overlaps but everything is within 5 boards of each other. The only strength overlap is the CP and the Pluto. And they give such a different look I wouldn't be switching between them.
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The Cell Pimp
Always be sincere, even when you don't mean it.


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Re: Is there really enough gap between the Cell Pearl and Venus?
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2009, 08:01:37 AM »
isn`t it cheaper to move a few boards?

I'm pretty sure I could make due with only 3 balls and sell off my other 60, but what fun is that?  I own a buttload of balls not because I need them, rather because it's a lot of fun to drill 'em, tweak the coverstocks, experiment with changes in span, fill 'em and trade 'em, etc.  What the heck would I do with my spare time if I wasn't dickin' around with my balls?  I suppose I could watch a lot more television...

Dan Belcher

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Re: Is there really enough gap between the Cell Pearl and Venus?
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2009, 09:35:43 AM »
isn`t it cheaper to move a few boards?
On most house shots?  Usually.  You might leave a few extra flat 10s, but it depends on too many variables to really say.  Now, on sport shots?  Just moving your feet and/or target isn't enough usually.  When I started to burn a hole in the heads with my Cell on the Scorpion the other day, I tried to move left to get into some fresh oil, and it just simply would not turn the corner hard enough on the backend.  Even with a light coat of polish, it was burning up in the huge friction spot I had created, but if I moved any deeper to get more oil, it would skate for ages.  I had to switch to a Gravity Shift and bounce it off the dry spot, and suddenly I had an awesome look at the pocket.


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Re: Is there really enough gap between the Cell Pearl and Venus?
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2009, 03:14:15 PM »

I'm pretty sure I could make due with only 3 balls and sell off my other 60, but what fun is that?  I own a buttload of balls not because I need them, rather because it's a lot of fun to drill 'em, tweak the coverstocks, experiment with changes in span, fill 'em and trade 'em, etc.  What the heck would I do with my spare time if I wasn't dickin' around with my balls?  I suppose I could watch a lot more television...

In this sense, bowling is a lot like trading card games.  You have your own deck and even if it's really good you still collect more cards for trading and all that good stuff.


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Re: Is there really enough gap between the Cell Pearl and Venus?
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2009, 07:26:03 PM »
eftyinsnellville wrote: I'm pretty sure I could make due with only 3 balls and sell off my other 60, but what fun is that? I own a buttload of balls not because I need them, rather because it's a lot of fun to drill 'em, tweak the coverstocks, experiment with changes in span, fill 'em and trade 'em, etc. What the heck would I do with my spare time if I wasn't dickin' around with my balls? I suppose I could watch a lot more television...

I agree - besides that, if I didn't own all those balls and plan on buying or trading for more I wouldn't be on this site. Does my game reflect all this fun - not really - but the smile on my face, priceless


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Re: Is there really enough gap between the Cell Pearl and Venus?
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2009, 07:52:51 PM »
Yeah, but what fun is that???
Gotta help out the economy somehow.....

isn`t it cheaper to move a few boards?