
Equipment Boards => Roto Grip => Topic started by: Trubador on April 08, 2008, 03:54:06 AM

Title: Keepin the Cell Clean
Post by: Trubador on April 08, 2008, 03:54:06 AM
I wipe my ball down constantly, and drench it in cleaner after each series, but I can tell already this bad boy drinks oil big time.  Once it gets past the point where the typical after game wipedown will restore the ball, what do you recommend?  A hot water bath and scrubdown with Dawn has worked wonders for my Brunswick coverstock balls, what do you guys recommend for the Cell?
Equipment in Bag:
TZone, Cell, Awesome Revs, Awesome Finish, Twisted Fury

Not in Bag: Fury x2, Fury Pearl TE, Rock On!, LT48
Title: Re: Keepin the Cell Clean
Post by: jkiser01 on April 08, 2008, 11:56:26 AM
I NEVER use those kinds of cleaning techniques (hot water bath) on any of my stuff. I just use clean and dull or powerhouse cleaner after each set and they both work great.
My first child.. Hannah Allison Kiser born 4/30/2007... My little angel..
Title: Re: Keepin the Cell Clean
Post by: freak761 on April 08, 2008, 01:05:58 PM
I just use a wet 2000 abralon pad with Clean N Dull and it keeps it in the OOB finish.
Title: Re: Keepin the Cell Clean
Post by: CHawk15 on April 08, 2008, 03:21:42 PM
Clean N Dull will be your friend with this ball.  That said, you'll still need to have the pro shop use the Revivor Oven, Hook Again or some oil extraction technique at times, it'll be far less frequent if you clean the ball w/ Clean N Dull after every set.
Title: Re: Keepin the Cell Clean
Post by: Trubador on April 08, 2008, 03:53:02 PM
Roger.. Clean and Dull it is..
Equipment in Bag:
TZone, Cell, Awesome Revs, Awesome Finish, Twisted Fury

Not in Bag: Fury x2, Fury Pearl TE, Rock On!, LT48
Title: Re: Keepin the Cell Clean
Post by: Buckwild on April 08, 2008, 04:19:14 PM
I just use a wet 2000 abralon pad with Clean N Dull and it keeps it in the OOB finish.

How do you use the pad? Do you go around the ball just like you would if you was using a cloth?
Title: Re: Keepin the Cell Clean
Post by: freak761 on April 08, 2008, 04:47:24 PM
Buck, I just wet the abralon pad, apply a little CND and go over 1/2 the ball. Make sure the pad isn't too wet or you'll get a soapy lather, let it stay on there for about a minute take a wet paper towel and wipe off the CND and go over that with a microfiber towel to dry. The grit of the abralon helps open up the pores of the coverstock and pulls out more dirt. Neo-Tac's Hook It also works well and helps dilute it a little so it doesn't damage your grips or slug. If the ball seems to be a little too smooth/ slippery to your liking and changes your ball reaction, just spray it with Windex or any of the basic ball cleaners (Energizer, Power Wash, Reacta Clean, etc.) to add a little more tackiness to the surface. I do this before each league night if I have the time and just every Saturday morning if I don't. Never had a ball die on me using this method and that includes a Total NV and Black Widow.
Title: Re: Keepin the Cell Clean
Post by: Steve Richter on April 08, 2008, 04:57:45 PM
I echo "freak" - I spray X-tra Clean liberally on the ball and go over it with 2000 abralon pad every 6-9 games to keep it fresh.  What I follow is from Hank directly.
Steve Richter
Roto Grip Amateur Staff Member
Title: Re: Keepin the Cell Clean
Post by: toomanytenpins on April 09, 2008, 09:40:31 PM
clean and dull is great if you have a spinner . hot water bath works fine for me

my style, the art of bowling without bowling
Title: Re: Keepin the Cell Clean
Post by: Kid Jete on April 09, 2008, 09:50:05 PM
Urine is good for jelly fish stings why not try that?  

You got several of the answers I would have given so I figured let's go with a smart a** comment instead.  
Title: Re: Keepin the Cell Clean
Post by: Trubador on April 10, 2008, 08:37:20 AM
Urine is good for jelly fish stings why not try that?

I've heard it's harsh on the coverstock and screws up the reactive properties... and makes your bag smell funny.
Equipment in Bag:
TZone, Cell, Awesome Revs, Awesome Finish, Twisted Fury

Not in Bag: Fury x2, Fury Pearl TE, Rock On!, LT48
Title: Re: Keepin the Cell Clean
Post by: Trubador on April 12, 2008, 05:17:41 PM
I recommend a Rejuvinator machine in a local pro-shop. So far, so good. They've always safely removed oil for me (and being a pro-shop employee, I have used and abused these).

Rejuvinate, clean with black magic, reapply the surface in which you want on the ball.

That's just what I do, anyways.
Mike Marsico
Junior Team USA '08
Roto Grip Amateur Staffer

Red Nelson Bowlers World
Gary "Guru" Parsons
301-449-6868 --

None of the shops around here have one.  Do they have one in ABQ at Nationals?
Equipment in Bag:
TZone, Cell, Awesome Revs, Awesome Finish, Twisted Fury

Not in Bag: Fury x2, Fury Pearl TE, Rock On!, LT48
Title: Re: Keepin the Cell Clean
Post by: CHawk15 on April 13, 2008, 01:01:02 PM
Since I have a spinner @ home, I have more options but I don't use Clean N Dull with a spinner.  Usually I'll use Clean N Dull after each set on 2 sides and then every 40-50 games or so, I'll hit it with some Power Wash with a 1000 abralon pad to clean some of the oil out of the pores.  Then I'll take it back to the surface I was using it at.  For example, if I had a Cell (which I don't), then I would hit it with 1000 abralon pad w/ Power Wash and then hit it with a 2000 pad to bring it back to OOB.
Title: Re: Keepin the Cell Clean
Post by: Locke on April 13, 2008, 01:51:13 PM
I just did hot water baths for my Cells. I would say you should try that. It worked fine for my Cells.
Always be sincere, even when you don't mean it

Known Cell pimp
Title: Re: Keepin the Cell Clean
Post by: twister on April 14, 2008, 02:37:40 AM
Is Doc's Magic Elixir still around? I use to use that on all my gear til someone stole it out of my bag.
