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Author Topic: Looking for something smooth and weak.  (Read 1175 times)

Spider Ball Bowler

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Looking for something smooth and weak.
« on: August 26, 2007, 05:08:29 AM »
Hi guys, I'm looking for a piece, most likely in the Planet series that would smooth, and not too strong.  

With the advent of today's equipment, it's been hard for me to find a nice ball that has these characterisitics.  I like to play straight, always have, always will.  The problem with most of todays stuff, it forces me to move right (I'm a lefty) and swing the ball, and that doesn't work well for most of the time unless I'm on a THS.

I was looking at the Venus, which as you know is a particle pearl.  Would this be a wise choice, or is there another ball I should look at.  Also what drilling would you recommend.  I am a stroker, med revs and ball speed and I like to be able to play as straight as possible.  Would a labl drill be good for this, or would I want something more of a pin over the fingers?

I am very unfamiliar with Roto Grip, but have heard a lot of good things about their Planet line, and you can't beat the price.  Basically I am looking for something smooth like my Black Widow, but something as weak as a Tropical Storm, with a drilling that would promote straight play.

Any advice is helpful and I thank you all in advance.
Formerly SGC300



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Re: Looking for something smooth and weak.
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2007, 02:08:19 PM »
This is almost impossible to know without knowing more details about your delivery and the oil on which you're playing.  The planet series is quite unique and their current core responds surprisingly to drillings, even thoughthe RG differential is very low. Strong drillings will yield early roll and rather large hook, for the core and coverstock specs of these balls, while weak drillings reduce the hook and backend and needs lots of dry.

Your meager description of your release is not sufficient and any guess as to ball and drilling woudl be just wild speculation.

WHat are you using now, how is it (are they) drilled) and how do they react on your current oil pattern?

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Spider Ball Bowler

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Re: Looking for something smooth and weak.
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2007, 03:30:14 PM »
I have a Black Widow and a Big Shot.  The Black Widow is drilled with the pin off to the left of the ring, the cg stacked below, and the mb is off to the right side and below the thumb.  The Black Widow is super smooth, but like I said very strong for the type of line I like to play.  Of course I can get away with using this ball on this shot because the house I am playing puts down an easy medium oil wall.

The Big shot is drilled with the same drilling, but no xhole and I don't think it has an MB.  It is 3-4 boards stronger than the BW, and very flippy.  I like it, but once again..too strong for what I want it to do.

Playing with either of these balls I tend to have to stand at about 25 to 27 and cross out to about 7 or 8 to find the hole.  

I don't know my PAP, which I assume would be pretty helpful here lol.  I'm a classic smooth stroking lefty.

I can use either ball and use them with success, but like I said mostly on a THS, and I like to bowl tournaments that put out some tougher shots, and weaker is better for me on tougher shots.
Formerly SGC300


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Re: Looking for something smooth and weak.
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2007, 04:21:05 PM »
With the right layout the Neptune can be very smooth. I have one drilled with a 25 degree lay out and it works great!!! Good luck
Todd Loy
Roto Grip King of Them All!!!!


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Re: Looking for something smooth and weak.
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2007, 05:27:26 PM »
With not knowing the your definition of weak the Venus is a great ball. It will handle some oil. Your BW will be stronger then the Venus and not as weak as a tropical as you said you were looking for. The Saturn is also a good ball but with the right surface I've seen them out hook a BW. The Neptune is weak, but can can get jumpy. My money ball is my Venus when the lanes are weird and you need control the Venus is the ball. You can't go wrong by far the best bang for the buck on the market.
-------------------- KING OF THEM ALL

Edited on 8/26/2007 5:28 PM


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Re: Looking for something smooth and weak.
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2007, 06:28:43 PM »
BAsed on your description of the BW and the BS, and BirwinJR's reply, I'd tend to agree with him, in the most general sense.

The BW and the BS are fairly strong balls, both big hookers and intended for medium oil, at a minimum and medium-heavy oil, depending on drill and the bowler's hand.

I think the Venus and possibly a lightly polished or very smoothed Saturn (maybe 2000 grit, maybe even 4000 grit, depending) have the potential to allow you to play straighter. A lot depends on the actual amount of oil AND the pattern. Because the BW and BS are so strong and appear to be drilled strongly (without knowing your PAP, the position of the pin with respect to the ring finger does not tell me anything.), I'd be inclined to go with relatively strong drills for either the Venus of the Saturn.

FYI The Saturn comes 800 grit dull out of the box. For your purposes, I would either add some polish or sand it very fine, like 2000 grit, in order to even begin to think about playing a down-and-in type of line.

Good Luck.
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