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Author Topic: Match a certain pattern  (Read 1403 times)


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Match a certain pattern
« on: February 28, 2005, 01:50:57 AM »
I currently have a Silver Streak and a Sonic X and like both of them. So I thought I would come here and ask for help at choosing another ball in the Rotogrip line that would help me match up to a certain condition.

My home house currently uses 2 different patterns on the leagues that I bowl in. The first is THS oiled 32' buffed to 40'. The back 30' is stripped before oiling. I can get the exact specs, but probably not neccesary for this comparison. The second is the same, except only the back 20' is stripped.

On the first shot, I have the world with the Silver Streak. Can use it the entire night, have not been below 700 since that league went to this shot 3 weeks ago.

The second shot is giving me fits. The Silver Streak squirts though the breakpoint on the slicker late midlanes. I have tried other equipment, but am not getting a good reaction.

My specs:
Tweener (med revs)
45-60 degree rotation (can vary more, but am most comfortable adjusting within this range).
High track (PAP 5-1/4 over, 5/8 up)
Medium speed

Silver Streak specs:
Starting top-unknown
3.5" pin out
5" pin above ring
Cg at 45 degrees, 1/4" above midline
Axis hole on PAP
Ending side is 1/2 oz pos.
Surface is finished to light grey scotchbrite on Haus, followed by Finesse-It II on the spinner.

Other balls tried:
Fear Factor drilled 4 1/2" pin below ring MB 25 degrees. Factory surface. Like most particle balls do for me, can't get a read on the lane to line up. Probably too much cover.

Absolute Inferno drilled Rev Leverage, 4" pin below ring, Cg below midline at 45 degrees, X-hole in flare enhancing position, 0 ending side weight. 600 wet sand. This ball has a huge backend. Even with surface to try and tame it down, it is too over/under until the shot breaks down and moves in, which often never happens.

Depth Charge drilled 5" pin over ring, MB on left edge of thumb. Have tried this ball with light grey scotchbrite and light grey followed by Finesse-it II. This ball seems to match pretty good with the light grey scuff as long as I get it into more forward roll, which isn't my A game. I think a ball close to this with the layout I have in the Silver Streak might be the answer.

Any suggestions?



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Re: Match a certain pattern
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2005, 10:02:27 AM »
If you can find it a Silver Streak Particle or an Oracle. The Fear Factor didn't work because eventhough it can hook, oil makes that ball burn energy in the mid-lane(besides storm hasn't made a heavy oil ball since I can remember). The same with the depth charge, it's just not aggressive enough. The Absolute is resin and will skid/flip which is not good on a slicker condition. The Silver Streak Particle is pretty aggressive and the Oracle is unbelieveable. Don't believe the particle pearl non-sense, just dull the ball with like a 600 grit-1000 grit(depending on your style) and you will get better results. Good Luck!
But the LORD is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting king: at his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation. Jeremiah 10:10

Mustang Guy

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Re: Match a certain pattern
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2005, 11:07:43 PM »
You could go a couple routes...

1)  Oracle Vision and I know you might think the cover is too strong especially if you have already tried the Absolute Inferno.  I would suggest going differently with the drilling pattern.  All your stuff is drilled the same pin above the ring finger cg kicked out.  Your standard Pro Shop drill pattern.  I would put the pin 2 1/2" from your axis with the cg kicked in putting the MB probably about 1" to the right or below of your thumb with hole on PAP (MB location and balance hole depend on top weight/pin distance from cg).  I think you found the right type of coverstock (high performance pearl particle), but you are getting to strong a finish to keep it near the pocket.  This should allow you to control the break point and motion to the pocket by having a ball that rolls a little sooner and flares a little less (reaction characteristics based off of layout).

2)  If you aren't comfortable with drilling something so different drill a Retro Resurrection similar to your Silver Streak, but get the pin 1" closer to the axis point.  Earlier read in the lane and should have a smoother backend reaction.  This ball shouldn't squirt as much as your Silver Streak is.

Have you dulled your Silver Streak yet?

Let me know.

Roger Noordhoek
Technical & Customer
Services Manager
Roto Grip, Inc.

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Roger Noordhoek
Director of Marketing
Storm Products, Inc.

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Re: Match a certain pattern
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2005, 07:57:07 AM »

I like what Roger has said here......

Try the Vision, and/or dulling the Silver Streak...

anything polished here will not work.....especially if the Silver Streak is squirting......
"what, by the time I get back..they won't be dead anymore ?.


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Re: Match a certain pattern
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2005, 12:57:17 AM »
Thanks for the replies. Sorry I didn't get back sooner. I now have more to add.

I have been reluctant to dull the Silver Streak. After the surface prep described in my first post, it seemed to react better after it got tracked in some, so I wanted to just leave it alone. It is getting very tracked up now and the reaction is not quite as good, so I may now experiment. Also, this ball has been my #1 weapon for after league pot games, even on the longer condition that plays tighter early on. It has done very well for me in tournaments, and is one of the most versatile balls I have ever owned. When it is working, which is often, it seems to go forever before I have to put it away. Shoot, I don't want to change it because it may cost me $$$$$.

Shortly after my first post, I punched a Track Slash 4" pin beside ring, Cg on axis, x-hole on axis, 1/2 oz pos. ending side. Box finish. This ball has given me the best reaction yet on the slicker pattern, but still is not quite the reaction I am looking for. This ball has a little too much roll and not quite enough hook. If I stay in the oil a little long and am even slightly soft with the release- 10 pin. If I use a little too much of the dry, it rolls so hard- 8 or 9 pin. It is very controllable and easy to line up with, but it doesn't give me the area that I think is available with the right ball. Am I wrong in thinking that I may get something similar if I drill the Vision with the shorter pin distance and the MB at approximately 105 degrees as Roger describes?

I'd really like to try the Vision, and I'm wondering if simply duplicating the Silver Streak layout in this stronger ball might be the ticket? I think the Absolute Inferno may have worked if I hadn't drilled it to flare and react more which, of course, ended up producing more hook and a more angular back end when, as I am starting to realize, all I really needed was more traction. Or is the Vision, with the same layout, still going to hook more and sharper on the slicker late midlane condition than the SS does on the lighter late midlane pattern?