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Author Topic: Mutant Cell WOW!  (Read 1160 times)


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Mutant Cell WOW!
« on: November 10, 2009, 08:40:21 AM »
This ball has so much continious roll to the pocket,it's unbelievable. Till I through the next shot and see it hit the pocket harder and harder each and every time. The pin action is awesome. The Mutant Cell WOW! I have a 5x3 drilling with one that has a hole and the pin is above ring finger. The other one I drilled up with the pin below and no hole. The 5x3 is real smooth with very good backend. The one with no hole allows it to get down lane a little morewith the backend still there. Both are awesome so far for all the houses in town, with out of box finish. Tonight I'm going to try my 5x3 shinned up to see what the comparisons are to out of the box finish. I'll let you know tonight when I get done.
(AJ) Andrew Jensen
 Roto Grip Staffer
Andrew Jensen
BowlersMart Cherry Valley
Track Bowling Elite Regional Staff