Depending on your style depends on which ball would be better for you. If you have thrown other particles before than by all means the SS particle is an OVERALL monster in oil. But you have to be in TRUE oil, unless you will find that the ball will burn up very quickly when making its move. The Oracle, is not as a heavy load particle as the streak, but it is more versatile. It gives you almost 2 looks from the same ball, it gives you the teeth of particle and the backend of a solid....a deadly combination I might add. Its like it knows when it needs to use those particles and when to be a reactive.
Gallo, this is my second Oracle. No dead ball syndrome here!!! And interestingly enough it almost seems to me that the Vertigo is the Oracle coverstock without the particles.....just my opinion, but I would give the Oracle a try, I think that it will change your view on particles.
Roto Grip forever!!!! What else is there??