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Author Topic: Neptune  (Read 1261 times)


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« on: January 12, 2008, 08:10:17 AM »
Hey what do you guys think of the Neptune for dry house shots on wood lanes?



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Re: Neptune
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2008, 04:50:02 PM »
Bought one for my father.  He hasn't thrown it on wood lanes yet, but I can say for dryer conditions the ball rolls great.  It's a nice even-rolling ball that doesn't overreact.  Great dry lane option, especially considering the price.


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Re: Neptune
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2008, 06:19:10 PM »
I have mine layed out for very dry lanes (photo in profile).. 6" pin to PAP and have the surface extra polished...  It definitely needs some dry to make its move.  For me, this ball has a ton of length and is actually quite angular on the backend...  One of the few "dry lane" balls that I have owned that actually lived up to its name.


""I think I would like to be an ESPN analyst because I could do just as good a job as Emmitt Smith does when he's commentating.  Half the stuff he says is incorrect, so I think I can do that.""

- DiJuan Harris - UNC-Charlotte Point Guard


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Re: Neptune
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2008, 08:54:23 PM »
This ball is not as weak as people say it is. It gets down the lane with no problem but once it hit the dry it hooks alot. If you still want to get this ball drill the pin long and up but very important put the cg near your pap. This will give you length and tame the reaction in the back. Trust me you won't regret it.


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Re: Neptune
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2008, 09:28:15 AM »
Just picked mine up this weekend for my second shift league.  I haven't had it on league yet but practiced with it on open bowling lanes and it was great! very good length, very smooth and controlling arc to the pocket.  Even more impressive was the pin action, it really kicked pins around which was awesome.

Highly recommend it, I was going to get a cherry vibe but from what I've seen that's way too strong for fried lanes.


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Re: Neptune
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2008, 04:30:12 PM »
mmmm, sounds too good to be true! I haven't hit real toast yet this year, but I do know I am going to see it at an upcoming tourney...  If any of you guys can remember back, how would you compare this to a TooHot from storm.  That was the best of the best for me on dry-ish lanes. I still had places and days when it was too much, but man was that ball money when the track was too dry for everybody else and I could grip and rip that thing right up 10 an smash the pocket.  I will never forget the first time I used it, took it with me on a whim to a tournament after just getting it ready the night before, BAM it was money!  I walked from that tourney with 1st place and $150 from the team win.. for what its worth it was a no-tap tourney, I had one no tap strike on the day and shot 83x, needless to say that ball was quickly paid for.. not bad for a $30 ball that I bought just because I had somebody else placing an order and I didn't have to pay shipping.  HA, but that one split the whole way around the ball so I still need a replacement for that guy.