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Author Topic: Neptune  (Read 1668 times)


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« on: February 06, 2008, 02:37:20 AM »
Anyone sand a Neptune to 4000 no polish? Mine just doesn't have quite enough pop on it. Is this something to consider or should I but something a touch stronger.



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Re: Neptune
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2008, 12:05:04 AM »
It was a broken down Chameleon pattern. My Rival was way too much ball. It was playing alright if I hit my breakpoint perfectly it just didn't have the recovery my Rival had given me before the pattern broke down. I was thinking 4000 might be good so I'll give it a try. Also, I bought this Neptune used so it could be oil soaked so I'll sand it and give it a hot water bath to see. It just isnt quite as much ball as I expected. I like it, but I think it needs some minor tweaks.

Also, I added a pic of the layout. It is pic number 1 you have to hit back to get to it from the link. Thanks for the reply.

Edited on 2/7/2008 1:12 AM


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Re: Neptune
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2008, 12:58:13 AM »
Did you try squaring up?


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Re: Neptune
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2008, 12:22:54 AM »
Its not that I couldn't find a look with the ball. It is just I didn't like how tight the look I had was. It needs to have a little more recovery. This is why I am thinking taking the polish off is the best way to go. I'll just try it and see what happens.


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Re: Neptune
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2008, 12:34:42 AM »
Its not that I couldn't find a look with the ball. It is just I didn't like how tight the look I had was.

Welcome to the Chameleon pattern.  That pattern is a bear when it starts transitioning.  Hook in, not enough out...

You can try 4000, but it will cause the ball to read alittle sooner with less pop on the backend.  

How deep did you go with the Rival?  Did you move your breakpoint in with the Neptune?  



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Re: Neptune
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2008, 12:27:24 PM »
Its not that I couldn't find a look with the ball. It is just I didn't like how tight the look I had was.

Welcome to the Chameleon pattern.  That pattern is a bear when it starts transitioning.  Hook in, not enough out...

You can try 4000, but it will cause the ball to read alittle sooner with less pop on the backend.  

How deep did you go with the Rival?  Did you move your breakpoint in with the Neptune?  


I was standing at 35 throwing 20 at the arrows out to about 8 with the Rival. Then that burnt up a little and moved deeper standing about 40 throwing 23 out to about 8. After that was gone I switched to the Neptune.

I was standing about 26 throwing 15 to 10 with the Neptune. It was alright as long as I hit my mark it would get to the pocket pretty well. Carry wasn't horrible just not as high as liked. However, if I got it outside of 8 at all at the breakpoint it was a big washout. I understand thats how the Chameleon plays, but the Rival would recover at least fairly well out to about 4 or 5. It might not strike out there but it would at least leave something makebale.

It just gave me a big over/under. I just think i need something in between the two in strength for the tougher patterns, I am thinking the Wrath Dead Flush might be the way to go...I think I was just expecting a little bit more strength out of the Neptune. It seems it acts like a plastic ball with a core for me.


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Re: Neptune
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2008, 02:15:29 PM »
You dont this ball for that type of pattern. The Neptune is a super clean
ball that allows you to play straighter on dry patterns, completely drier
patterns ! You dont by a dry ball and try to change the surface to make it a
strong ball, it does not work. That would like buying a Cell (which I have)
and use it on dry lanes, it dont work.
Thirtyclean (Well maybe 29, or 28, most of
the times !)


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Re: Neptune
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2008, 02:20:22 PM »
Td, you have to realize, that a neptune is not ment to be a strong ball ok, it would be better you would go buy another ball to fit inbetween you resurgance and your neptune ok. Something with a medium flair potential should work fine.
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