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Author Topic: Neptune ?  (Read 2734 times)


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Neptune ?
« on: August 04, 2007, 06:55:37 AM »
Looking for any positives or negative anyone had with it.
Got a question email me at

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Edited on 8/4/2007 3:38 PM


Joe Jr

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Re: Neptune ?
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2007, 04:31:06 PM »
I personally don't care for it, it's the Planet core that I don't like. I like cores that rev up quickly, they give me more control and tend to be more versatile. The Neptune doesn't do that, the ball looks like it doesn't rev up till it hit's the breakpoint. I have no trust in the ball.

Again, that's just my personal preference.
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Re: Neptune ?
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2007, 05:13:39 PM »
Your opinion is exactly what I'm asking for. Anyone else?
Got a question email me at

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the pooh

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Re: Neptune ?
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2007, 10:06:55 PM »
While I love the planet series,the Neptune is not what most people think it is;a dry lane ball.It is way stronger than it's numbers would lead you to believe.It is strong and smooth and best used to tame an over/under condition.It is too strong for dry,and too weak for oil most of the time.
the pooh
the pooh


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Re: Neptune ?
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2007, 10:55:05 PM »
The Neptune is more of a broken down lane ball than a dry lane ball.  It's cover is still relatively strong.  It's advantage is it's low flare core allows it to obtain length when the Horizon and High Performance lines are hooking too early but still retain hit and reaction dowlane.  Still has a relatively good read for a low flare pearl.  It can be a little over/under for some.  When matched up, it's carry potential (like all of the Planet series) is extremely good.
Anthony Chapman

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Re: Neptune ?
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2007, 07:00:22 AM »
Only have had a few practice sessions/outings with this ball.  First few impressions - Roto Grip's weakest ball in it's current lineup, but Roto Grip doesn't know how to make a weak ball.

Hooks about 2-3 less boards less than my RG Venus.  I opted for 2.5 X 2.5 on the finger line drilling for this ball, wanting a little less snap and more roll arc, initially, I feel that's what I got.  

Hoping for less snap to the pocket than the Venus (5 X 5 above fingers drilling).  The Neptune seems to react a bit earlier roll and a more conservative backend (because of the layout I choose, on purpose) - swinging the CG right might leave a few weak tens with this ball??  We shall see. Will be doing a video with the Venus (5X5 above) vs Neptune (2.5X2.5 finger line) when I get my lazy butt out to the lanes again.  (took the summer off)- have to get ready for the Tournament season, soon.

Also, a crazy nut fan of the current Planet Line : Neptune (strong)(so far, I ), Venus (stronger), and Saturn (strongest of the line; very strong). Incredible Values.


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Edited on 8/5/2007 8:06 AM


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Re: Neptune ?
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2007, 11:03:13 PM »
I have the Saturn and the Neptune drilled the same, pin above and between fingers and cg stack below just above midline. The Saturn hooks earlier and more even, but the Neptune goes longer and turns harder on the backend. The shot needs to be fairly fresh without a lot of carry down and when the Saturn is hooking to early, I would go to the Neptune, but as mentioned earlier, it's not a true dry lane ball! They both have amazing carry and have a great price tag as well! Good luck and I hope this may help, Bruce
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Jesse James

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Re: Neptune ?
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2007, 04:06:16 PM »
How does the Neptune compare to the Mercury? (sorry, not trying to hi-jack this thread.....just need clarification)
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Re: Neptune ?
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2007, 10:26:00 AM »
The Neptune is what the Mercury was supposed to be.  There is an old post here somewhere before the Neptune came out from Roger (Mustang Guy) from Rotogrip describing the Neptune.  Many of RG's staffers complained that the Mercury was too strong even though it was supposed to be a weak, dry lane ball.  What they did with the Neptune was flip the Planet weight block and wrap it around a weaker coverstock.  I drilled one up for my friend 5 x 5 with the pin over his bridge and this definitely is weaker than a Mercury.  On a burnt shot, both his Mercurys would check up and the Neptune would get down the lane with no problem.  It allows him to open up the lane on toasted conditions and not worry about it checking up on him.  It is by far his weakest ball.  

Thats our opinion of the ball.

He has every Planet line ball, well actually he has every RG ball that has come out in the last 2 years and it is by far his weakest ball in the bag, next to the Spare Tire.

Hope that helps.


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Re: Neptune ?
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2007, 09:43:56 PM »
I have the saturn and it's definately more ball than i thought. its pretty smooth. Good step down from my Odyssey.

The Mercury around these parts was about as ugly and about as weak as a ball could get. The neptune my impression of it was it was stronger actually.

The mercury slides a lot. Even tho the mercury slides alot and was fugly, i picked up a bunch and sold them to a lot of beginners.
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Re: Neptune ?
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2007, 09:08:30 PM »
I have a Neptune, and I must say that is is a true dry lane ball. I have a lot of hand and tend to have to throw the ball fairly hard on dry...or loft it...

Anyway, on medium oil, I throw a T-Struck or a Wrath XP from around 30 to around the 10 board. On dryer lanes, I must move about 5 boards right and speed up a bit...but then I go the Neptune...

This ball, even on dryer lanes, allowed me to play a lot straighter. Same release and speed, the Neptune has to be played from about 15 to 10 or straight down 10. Lacks the carry due to little entry angle, but when it's the only ball I can keep right of the headpin, I will take my chances...

Can be a tad flippy and is touchy on speed, not very forgiving, but it is a good ball to have in the bag...
When having trouble, just throw it harder!!!