quote:RotoGrip recommends Storm cleaning and polishing products. Here is a link describing the factory suggested cleaners, polishes and procedures.http://www.rotogrip.com/reactioncorner_maint.aspxFor bonus points, prior to starting Storm, what was the ball cleaner marketed by Mr. Chrisman? Winner gets a Team Internet True Grip (if I can find the box).--Mark
quote:As for cleaning, I've been using Track Clean N' Dull...
quote:Winner gets a Team Internet True Grip (if I can find the box).
quote:Why does Roto-Grip state to use Storm's Xtra Shine on a 1500 polished finish when Storm states that Xtra Shine will finish to 3500? Wouldn't Reacta Shine be the better choice?--------------------Trusted BallReviews.com member since 3/31/2003 (since 2001 under the now late user name buzzsaw16...back when I used nothing but Lane#1)
quote:quote:Why does Roto-Grip state to use Storm's Xtra Shine on a 1500 polished finish when Storm states that Xtra Shine will finish to 3500? Wouldn't Reacta Shine be the better choice?--------------------Trusted BallReviews.com member since 3/31/2003 (since 2001 under the now late user name buzzsaw16...back when I used nothing but Lane#1)Email Roger.....let him know the site has a mis-print, he'll have it fixed. Nice catch--------------------JEFF"...Sorry, I'm just,...it's starting to hit me like a, uhm....uhm...2 ton....heavy thing.."
quote:Have you been using it on a box finish RS-X? Will Track Clean 'N Dull strip the polish off?
quote:Clean and Dull is just a cleaner that keeps the current surface the same....IF I'm not mistaken.....