Ball arsenal:sure fire, sidewinder, csystem 2.5, mars, cell pearl, Invasion and the natural.
Ive had the cell pearl since Jan 2009. I love this ball but it has too much tournament and games on it and also a crack from ring figner up about 1 inch.
What im searching for is a replacement for the ball. About the same reaction, i just whant to try something new. The layout was pin above finger and cg 1 inch right to center grip line.
Im a cranker with lots rev and speed. I have the nomad pearl and the fast in mind. Can somebody give me advices?
Im searching something for my house shot witch is Kegel Pheonix 43foot.
By the way ive always had a favorite with rotogrip and storm.
Heres a video of me is you whant to evaluate you very much for comments!