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Author Topic: Odyssey Pro CG balls?  (Read 1434 times)


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Odyssey Pro CG balls?
« on: May 10, 2007, 09:38:52 AM » has Odyssey Pro CG balls for $99.99 delivered which seems like a great price, especially with the extra $10 off coupon on top of that.  But what the heck is a "Pro CG" ball, and are there any negatives to getting one of these?  Any layout restrictions?  Would a Pro Pin model be better?  I'm really interested in an Odyssey, but not sure if a Pro CG one would match up with me.  My specs are in my profile.  Thanks.


Joe Jr

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Re: Odyssey Pro CG balls?
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2007, 05:41:22 PM »
"Pro CG" balls are balls where the CG is way out of line on Aysm balls.
My Vid
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Re: Odyssey Pro CG balls?
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2007, 05:55:58 PM »
i got the epic battle pro cg ball and believe me there are no advers effects to the ball set up or drilling. the cg is kicked right about 3 inches,but i really love ,mine .this is the second battle i have owned the first one i drilled 3 times and never really liked it.this one is set up with the pin over the ring and the mb is drilled out. it is the strongest ball i have and it is much more versatile than my first. I just ordered a pro cg odessy,(dont tell my wife),so if you throw yours before me let me know how u like it. If it is set up right for your game i dont think you will be dissapointed.
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Re: Odyssey Pro CG balls?
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2007, 06:58:31 PM »
I have a 2 Paradigms and an Odyssey, all are Pro CG balls and they roll just the same if not a little stronger than the regular ones. Great deal with the $10 bucks off. Got another Pro CG Odyssey for my Dad and he loves it. As long as you get a driller who knows what they are doing you should have no problems.


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Re: Odyssey Pro CG balls?
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2007, 11:51:54 PM »
well i got my odessy pro cg ball today .it came at 5.00 so i had time to get it drilled before league. Anyone thinking about getting a pro cg ball neednt worry,get it drill it and bowl.
   that being said i drilled mine up with the pin under bridge mb strong with a small weight hole just outside the cg. Let me say first i am redifining my game so my shot is lost right now.I believe the ball is stronger than the battle. My battle has a bit of shine on it which might be why it is a tad longer. my thumb was tight obn the odessy so i wasnt getting out of it right ,but the shots i did get out of it were impressive. I am going to give myself a couple of weeks to get my shot right with it before i claim it to be the end all ball ,but i can honestly say if you are thinking about a ball with bite and backend look into the odessy.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling