Okay, expecting this ball to be a big boomer, I purchased it and punched it up.
I drilled it:
4 1/2 pin to pap SLIGHTLY above and to the right of my ring, 60* layout. I've tried this ball at box(2000), 1000 and 2000+polish. I'm just not that satisified with it. It is a good ball, don't get me wrong, but isn't "WOW". My raging red fuze is more angular that this is. I drilled this ball up specifically to have that one big backend ball.
With all that said, our house shot is pretty slick across the board. Everybody with speed is using sanded, fine or otherwise, and only the extremely heavy handed guys are playing around the 3rd arrow. I will try the ball at another house before I make the final judgement, but right now I'm not all that thrilled.
I figured this ball would allow me to move alittle left and bump the "track area" but it really hasn't. Honestly, it could be my style, b/c I haven't found anything that has worked week in and week out yet. I've tried the following: see profile, I've tried them all. If I sand something down to read the lane earlier, it does and hits like a marshmallow and if I polish something it squirts.....
After 4 consecutive high shots, I told my wife "They aren't saying boo, they're saying MOOOOOOOVE".