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Author Topic: Odyssey......sigh  (Read 5427 times)


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« on: November 20, 2007, 01:56:18 PM »
Okay, expecting this ball to be a big boomer, I purchased it and punched it up.  

I drilled it:



4 1/2 pin to pap SLIGHTLY above and to the right of my ring, 60* layout.  I've tried this ball at box(2000), 1000 and 2000+polish.  I'm just not that satisified with it.  It is a good ball, don't get me wrong, but isn't "WOW".  My raging red fuze is more angular that this is.  I drilled this ball up specifically to have that one big backend ball.  

With all that said, our house shot is pretty slick across the board.  Everybody with speed is using sanded, fine or otherwise, and only the extremely heavy handed guys are playing around the 3rd arrow.  I will try the ball at another house before I make the final judgement, but right now I'm not all that thrilled.

I figured this ball would allow me to move alittle left and bump the "track area" but it really hasn't.  Honestly, it could be my style, b/c I haven't found anything that has worked week in and week out yet.  I've tried the following:  see profile, I've tried them all.  If I sand something down to read the lane earlier, it does and hits like a marshmallow and if I polish something it squirts.....



After 4 consecutive high shots, I told my wife "They aren't saying boo, they're saying MOOOOOOOVE".



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Re: Odyssey......sigh
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2007, 04:33:05 AM »
  You're not the only person that is disappointed with this ball.  The original Epic is by far the best ball I have ever used.  I picked up the Odyssey to go above it thinking that I would get a similar reaction, but on a "heavier" condition.  Same layout.  Epic at 800, Odyssey at 4000.  The ball is alright, but not at all what I was expecting.  It is early and very even, with very little pop on the back.  I have messed with the surface a lot and found nothing that works.  I had the weighthole plugged and moved, which helped slow the transition down some, but unless I really come around the ball, it just kind of pukes on the backend.  I can't even get rid of it on here.

"On-base percentage is great if you can score runs and do something with that on-base percentage.  Clogging up the bases isn't that great to me. The problem we have to address more than anything is the home run problem."
~Dusty Baker being a total fool
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Re: Odyssey......sigh
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2007, 08:51:52 AM »
On the epic series of balls, for Angular backend I would go with no lower than a 70-75 degree mass bias.  I say this because with the pin time so low, the typical strong range of 45-65 degrees just makes the core spin up very fast in the midlane, thus not saving much for the move later down the lane in the backend.  I've drilled a ton of these for customers, and Saga's and to get the most angular backend reaction I've used 90 deg under thumb MB with 5" pin placements or a 4 1/2" pin placement with a 75 deg MB and the pin high on both.

I drilled a Saga for BMM with the pin approx 4 1/4 from his PAP and a 75deg MB and he can let you know how much it wheels down the lane.  I have also drilled two Odysseys for customers for a strong backend with the MB positions at 90 deg for the higher rev guy and 75deg for the lower rev/spinner.  4 1/2" pin placements on both and some polish and those also turn the corner very hard.  

Your layout wants to promote more of a strong revving midlane.  Typical rule of thumb on MB degrees are 45-60* = Strong & Angular for any MB Diff rating of .018 and below, 90-75 for strong & angular for any MB diff of .020 and above.  When you get into strong solid reactive vs. pearls and particle pearls, you also have to think of another layout tweak.  Typically pin higher above the midline and added polish.
-DJ Marshall
...The Twelve In a Row Pro Shop.  Hyattsville, MD
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Re: Odyssey......sigh
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2007, 09:39:15 AM »
I'll check the drilling angle again today.  I'm estimating it b/c I don't have the pro select(I believe that is what its called) tool.


After 4 consecutive high shots, I told my wife "They aren't saying boo, they're saying MOOOOOOOVE".


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Re: Odyssey......sigh
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2007, 10:14:48 AM »
No issues with the Odyssey at all ! Drill with a 5 X 3 layout. Scored very well with ball in Reno and in local centers, but you must have head oil and some tighter back ends for this ball. This ball hooks just a few boards less than my Epic Battle, and about equal to my Break.
Thirtyclean (Well maybe 29, or 28, most of
the times !)


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Re: Odyssey......sigh
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2007, 10:26:45 AM »
I'll work with it some more today.  Mark, I understand what you are saying, and I am not the only one having some issues on this pattern.  I seems like only the soft speed guys are carrying in this center.  I'm still avging about 220 even though I feel like my reaction sucks just about every week regardless of the ball used.


After 4 consecutive high shots, I told my wife "They aren't saying boo, they're saying MOOOOOOOVE".


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Re: Odyssey......sigh
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2007, 02:41:42 PM »
  I understand what you are saying, but it is not true in my case.  I've had no problems getting a Resurgence to turn the corner even with a lower pin position (yes I know, 2 different beasts, but similar in strength).  My release allows me to wheel a Mercury quite a bit on the right conditions also.  

I think that I underestimated the strength of the Maximus II core.  Like DP3 said, the thing spins up incredibly fast, not leaving much for the backend.  I'm not sure what the MB angle on mine is, but I'd guess it's around 55 degrees.  I may plug and redrill it, but more likely I will give it to my father.

"On-base percentage is great if you can score runs and do something with that on-base percentage.  Clogging up the bases isn't that great to me. The problem we have to address more than anything is the home run problem."
~Dusty Baker being a total fool
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Re: Odyssey......sigh
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2007, 06:24:48 PM »
i have 2 and i love em both. the thing i love most about the odyssey is that if you dont initially have a shot with it that doesnt mean you dont have a shot. I have one at 500 with pin at 4 inches and under ring mb at 60 degrees and i have one with a light polish over 2000 pin under bridge and mb just right of thumb. I will say this , i dont have a lot of speed ,but if i get fast they do tend to get squrly i say this because you guys sound like you have good speed and this is a ball the is much better with less.

my style, the art of bowling without bowling


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Re: Odyssey......sigh
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2007, 07:22:46 PM »
I agree with DP3.  The Odyssey really requires weaker pins and MB angles if you really want it to wheel off the spot. It covers a lot of boards but really picks up in the midlane.  The cover and core ARE REALLY strong.  If you go with a higher flaring pin and high transition MB, you will not get the angle you probably wanted.  The first couple I drilled were similar to older strong solids in the past and were kind of week downlane.  No where near the pop I expected.  Went about a 1/2" weaker on the pin and about 10* weaker on the MB and now the ball wheels downlane.  My 6 x 55* Odyssey is stronger than my 5.5 x 45* Epic.

Just like Mark said, oftentimes I see guys try to force a reaction or shot that is simply not matter what ball you get.

Anthony Chapman

Roto Grip Staff 2007
Where's my camera?


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Re: Odyssey......sigh
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2007, 10:27:24 PM »
Well, I put the ball at 1000 today with no polish.  It worked well in practice but didn't do much in league.  I'm gonna reserve further judgement until I get the chance to check the thumb pitch, something just doesn't feel right.  I am also bowling like I've got my head buried in my azz so I'll repost when I am doing some decent.


After 4 consecutive high shots, I told my wife "They aren't saying boo, they're saying MOOOOOOOVE".


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Re: Odyssey......sigh
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2007, 10:53:23 PM »
I enjoyed the observations made by DP3 regarding different strengths of MB.


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Re: Odyssey......sigh
« Reply #11 on: November 23, 2007, 08:18:39 PM »
I tried it again today and never got comfortable with it.  I decided to reslug the thumb and see what that does as I feel like I either lose it or grab the heck out of it.

Here is a pic:

If I still don't like it I've got a buyer lined up and an Illusion I've got my eye on!


After 4 consecutive high shots, I told my wife "They aren't saying boo, they're saying MOOOOOOOVE".


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Re: Odyssey......sigh
« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2007, 07:13:18 PM »
whats your pap that looks like a pretty even non descript drill to me I would plug the ball and start over. My pap is 4and5/8 x1/2 i have one pin under bridge and one pin right of ring but down about a half inch . both cgs are kicked out considerably and one is drilled out with the weight hole . They both turn up nice. if they are going to hook is never a question. I think you have a bad set up,this is a goooood ball.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling

Joe Jr

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Re: Odyssey......sigh
« Reply #13 on: November 24, 2007, 08:04:33 PM »
I had the exact same problem with my Odyssey, It wasn't a bad ball but I could never get comfortable with it. I just never trusted the ball. Drilled Pin under 5" with a weak MB, just left of thumb.
My Vid
Formerly Brunswick Lefty & Richard Cranium

Quote from Conspirator300:
And yeah, I do know it all.. I don't spend 30+ hours a week learning more about bowling for my heatlh... I do it so I know more than all of you.. which I do. (besides the random few that are staffers/work in the bowling business.. which that population is decreasing little by little)


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Re: Odyssey......sigh
« Reply #14 on: November 24, 2007, 08:24:40 PM »

Didn't you have a problem with a Immortal Solid drilled much the same?  Just wondering.
