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Author Topic: Odyssey vs. Rush vs. SD-73  (Read 869 times)


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Odyssey vs. Rush vs. SD-73
« on: October 10, 2007, 06:58:36 AM »
How do these compare.  I already have an Odyssey drilled 6x5 (no hole).  My buddy is trading me a Rush (pin under bridge MB strong) and a SD-73 (pin over bridge, MB Strong).  I need something for fresher medium length sport patterns.  In addition, I need something to play on the burn (college tournaments) where i have to play 4th arrow or deeper and almost fade it into the pocket.  The problem I have been having lately is my Odyssey hits too weak (flat 10s), but my Neptune is somewhat unpredictable at the breakpoint.  My ball speed is on the slower side and I have an average rev rate (definitely rev dominant).  I was thinking of polishing either the Rush or the SD-73 and sanding the other to box (one for the fresh, one for the burn) with the Odyssey in the middle (works great on longer sport patterns).  Any advice is appreciated.




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Re: Odyssey vs. Rush vs. SD-73
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2007, 03:01:10 PM »
Thirtyclean (Well maybe 29, or 28, most of
the times !)


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Re: Odyssey vs. Rush vs. SD-73
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2007, 03:08:15 PM »
Try plaing around with the surface of the Odyssey. What is the surface now ?
IMO, will be close to the SD-73. The Rush to me is a medium condition ball.
I also have Neptune, which when drilled the proper way, will not be unpredictable. Mine is drilled 2 1/2 X 2 1/2, and hooks evenly on the back
and front. I have a friend that has his drilled 5 X 4.5, and his snaps too
much. My neptune has already paid for itself 5 times over in pot games, mostly on drier conditions, while others struggle with too much snap. I have not had to change the surfacr on the Neptune, but I recently took a Morich Sahara, drilled 4 X 4, removed the factory polish and left it 2000 abralon, and it acted like a total different ball, more predictable in dry. Try polishing the Odyssey to reserve some energy and carry some corners.

Good Luck,
Dan K.

Thirtyclean (Well maybe 29, or 28, most of
the times !)


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Re: Odyssey vs. Rush vs. SD-73
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2007, 03:23:45 PM »
thanks thirtyclean, in fact my Neptune is drilled 6x5, and its great for when they are really toast when not even my fired up will get down the lane from 5th arrow.  I've heard that the Odyssey can get unpredictable when you polish it, plus I really like it the way it is now, especially for longer patterns.  I think I might just lightly polish the Rush and take the SD-73 to box to give me some different looks on the fresh.  Thanks.